This is a project control of ad9851 with stm32f103c. The project is not finished yet, but the frequency generator part is already running.
Hardware config:
AD9851 DDS module or chip (paralell mode, can modify in Src/App/ddsdrv.h)
- DDS_D0 : PA0
- DDS_D1 : PA1
- DDS_D2 : PA2
- DDS_D3 : PA3
- DDS_D4 : PA4
- DDS_D5 : PA5
- DDS_D6 : PA6
- DDS_D7 : PA7
- DDS_UD : PA8
- DDS_RST : PB10
Encoder with include button (the button pin can modify in Src/App/control.h)
- Encoder A : PB6
- Encoder B : PB7
- Encoder button : PB8 (Common GND, using internal pull-up resistors)
Lcd (ST7735 128x160, SPI mode, can modify in Src/Lcd/lcd_io_spi.h)
- LCD_RS (A0) : PB14
- LCD_CS (CS) : PB12
- LCD_SCK (SCK) : PB13
- LCD_MOSI (SDA) : PB15 (if modify: change the LCD_SPI define from 2 to 0, or see the controller datasheet for SPI pins)