This is a compilation of design patterns showing some useful implementations. This is in format html, after downloading the zip open the .html file inside for a better experience. If you wish to test the code it was coded to be used on an IDE like VSCODE, for playground some modifications are necessary.
Table of contents:
00 - Introduction
01 - Solid Design Principles
02 - Builder
03 - Factories
04 - Prototypes
05 - Singleton
06 - Adapter
07 - Bridge
08 - Composite
09 - Decorator
10 - Facade
11 - Flyweight
12 - Proxy
13 - Chain of responsibilty
14 - Command
15 - Interpreter
16 - Iterator
17 - Mediator
18 - Memento
19 - Null Object
20 - Observer
21 - State
22 - Strategy(policy)
23 - Template Method
24 - Visitor
25 - Overall Summary