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Rust programming tools for SSL Log Files and Log Labeling


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SSL Rust Tools

This package contains a rust library for working with SSL RoboCup log files as well as a number of binaries for playing, filtering and labeling log file events. See the following sections for more information on the utilities included in this packages.



This package is written in rust and should work with rust 1.33 or later. To install rust visit

You will also need protobuf 3.6.1 or higher. You can install it via the system package manager, or you can use the provided script to create a locally installed version using Conan.

If using the script, install conan and then run the script. It will produce a folder called venv. To use the virtualenv run source venv/ This will set the appropriate environment variables so that protoc and the protobuf libraries can be found during the build. Note: After building, the virtualenv is not needed to run as all libraries are statically linked.


In the root folder run: cargo build --release. This will build the core library and all command line utilities.

If you want to build the labeling gui run cargo build --release --features=gui.

Command Line Utilities


The play_log command will play an uncompressed log file so that it can be visualized by tools such as SSL Vision Client.


This tool will pre-process a saved log file to prepare it for log event labeling. The output labeler data file is the format used in the SSL RoboCup 2019 Technical Challenge.

The log file must be uncompressed. If you have issues uncompressing a log file due to unexpected EOF errors from gzip then you can use the zcat utility to stream the extraction.

Either save the zcat output to a file:

zcat compressed_log_file.log.gz > uncompressed_log_file.log

Or you can stream the zcat output directly to this tool using - to represent stdin on the input file argument. Like so:

zcat compressed_log_file.log.gz | make_labeler_data_file - output.labeler

Note: This filtering can take some time. If you use a saved file, the progress indicators will be more useful, as the total file size can be calculated up-front.

More details about the output file format can be found below

The filtering keeps only messages during ref stages that are running (i.e. NORMAL_FIRST_HALF, NORMAL_SECOND_HALF, EXTRA_FIRST_HALF, EXTRA_SECOND_HALF). As well as during ref commands that have actually started the game play (i.e. NORMAL_START, FORCE_START, DIRECT_FREE_YELLOW, DIRECT_FREE_BLUE, INDIRECT_FREE_YELLOW, INDIRECT_FREE_BLUE).

When multiple cameras are running SSL Vision, the recorded messages are asynchronously sent. Therefore there is no global clock step that can be used for a frame. So instead frames are grouped together until a camera repeats in the log. This results in most frame messages containing a single message from each camera, however, in some cases one or more of the camera messages will be missing.

Messages within a frame retain their original order according to their order in the log file. The frame just introduces an artificial timestep to the file so that labels can correspond to specific frames rather than arbitrary timestamps.


Play a labeler data file. Similar to playing a normal log, but this contains only the filtered messages grouped into frames.


Will output each label category score given a ground truth and a predicted label. Will be used to score the technical challenge during the competition.

Label Data GUI

This package also contains a GUI tool for playing and labeling labeler data files. A screenshot is shown below.

Label Data GUI Screenshot

To start you must open a data file using the file menu. Use the file browser to find a labeler data file produced by the make_labeler_data_file program. If you already have a set of labels for this file you can open it for editing by using the "open label file** option in the file menu. Otherwise, a default label file will be produced. You can use the save menu items to save your label file as you go.

NOTE: Saving will overwite the file that exists. Make sure you are saving to the right file before clicking the save buttons.

The upper area contains playback tools. The top two widgets control playback speed. With higher numbers being faster. The next two widgets control the current frame being displayed.

The player buttons below will change the playback mode. The rewind button will play backwards at the specified playback speed. The fast forward button will do the same, but forwards. The step back and step forward buttons will move one frame backwards or forwards respectively. The pause button will pause playback at the current frame.

Below the player, is a tab for each type of event labeling. Instantaneous events show the label editing for the current frame according to the player. Duration events have a list on the left hand side. You can add and delete new duration events using the buttons above the list. Click on an item in the list to edit it or select it for deletion. A screenshot is shown below.

Duration Event Editing

Labeler Data File

Produced by the make_labeler_data_file utility (see above).

The file is a binary format. All numeric values are written in BigEndian order. Each file starts with the following header:

1: String - File type ("SSL_LABELER_DATA")
2: uint32 - Log file format version

Then the actual frame messages follow. Each message starts with the message length, and then a serialized set of bytes for a Protobuf log_labeler_data::LabelerFrameGroup message. See the log_labeler_data.proto file for the exact message definition.

1: uint32 - Message length
2: bytes - Binary log_labeler_data::LabelerFrameGroup protobuf message

This file is designed to be easily seekable to specific messages. As such, the final bytes in the file contain metadata about where each message in the file starts. The last 4 bytes are the metadata message size. Then the proceeding byte string corresponds to a binary protobuf log_labeler_data::LabelerMetadata message.

1: bytes - Binary log_labeler_data::LabelerMetadata protobuf message
2: uint32 - size of preceding metadata bytes

Label File

This is the file produced by the label_data gui and scored by the score_label_file utility. It is just a binary protobuf log_labels::Label message. It contains a list of all event labels specified in the technical challenge rules.

Note: that the duration event labels are sorted by start_frame. If you do not sort your output by start time you will receive an inaccurate score from the scoring program.