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Pablo Castellanos edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ROS BASIC COURSE wiki!

Some RoboTech-URJC menbers from Robots from Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid are maintaining this repository.

In this repository we are going to talk about ROS and their first steps, as well as some hacks to configure kobuki robot.

What is ROS: Robotics Operating System is a compendium of libraries and and tools supported by Open Robotics, which allow us to create sophisticated software for all kind of Robots and manned and unmanned vehicles. Its power lives in the concept of distributed systems avoiding to be a complicated monolitic system.

Getting started:

  1. Install ROS noetic:

  2. Setup your workspace, write on your .bashrc:

  • source /apt/ros/[ros_distro]/setup.bash

  • source ~/[workspace]/devel/setup.bash

press ctr + D to close the terminal to save changes or write source .bashrc to apply changes without closing the terminal.

  1. check ROS distro info:
  • echo $ROS_VERSION
  • echo $ROS_DISTRO

Don't hesitate to visit the real source of wisdom ROS Wiki:

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