Collection of useful utility classes and methods
A static class with several useful extension methods.
A static method for extending Object to return whether the extended class has the specified property.
A static method for extending String to remove all whitespace from the string.
A static method for extending Char to returns whether it is whitespace.
A static method for extending String to return the string with any single quotes duplicated so they become literals for SQL use.
A static method for extending Object to return the string with any duplicated single quotes as a single quote.
A static method for extending DateTime to return the value with no milliseconds.
A static method for extending ObservableCollection to return its content as List.
A static method for extedning ObservableCollection to support a member-wise clone.
A class that immplements the functionality from Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser which is incompatible with .NET Core 2.0
A method to specify the characters to be used as delimiters when identifying the fields in the text.
A method that parses a line of text using the specified delimiters and returns a string array.
A method that uses GetFields to read the fields from a Stream.
A bool property that specifies/indicates whether the text stream to be read has embedded quotes.
A bool property that returns true when the end of the text stream has been reached.
An int property that returns the count of bytes in the text stream.
A class with Name and Value that supports use of the key-value pairs in the .config file of the executable.
A class derived from IList that supports management of the key-value pairs in the .config file of the executable.
A static class that exposes several useful methods.
Interrogates an Exception and drills down to into the inner Exceptions to return them as a formatted string.
Relies upon StackTrace to return the name of the currently executing method.
Format a numeric string with commas.
Return the two-character state abbreviation given the name of the state.
Load settings stored in the .config file of the executable into a Settings class.
Write contents of a Settings class to the .config file of the executable.
A static class for managing bitmaps.
A static method that returns a BitmapSource object from a Bitmap source.
A static method that returns a Bitmp source from a BitmapSource object.
A static method that saves a bitmap as a file.
A static method that converts a bitmap (GIF, PNG, JPEG, or TIFF) to an array of bytes.