对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
- 修复涉及通知和计时的几个问题,并在Windows上重新修改为使用SnoreToast。
- 当开启锁屏继续计时且系统允许锁屏通知时,发送时间结束通知。
- 使软件界面更加人性化。
最近更新 :
- 错误修复,包括一个导致多屏幕时wnr无法正确退出全屏模式的问题。
- 重新设计的首页,重新设计预设选择菜单,增加一个默认隐藏的提交按钮。
- 允许用户手动设置使锁屏 / 睡眠后继续计时。
- 修改默认提示音,并且将在20秒后自动停止播放。
- 其他功能优化。
Things below are all English:
Updated for:
- Bugs fixed for timing service and notification service (revert to SnoreToast on Windows).
- Lock screen notifications.
- Optimized for user interface.
Recent Updated:
- Bugs fixed including one bug that causes multi-screen solution to be failed.
- A redesigned index page experience with a better defaults selecting menu and a hidden submit button.
- A setting for whether timer is still counting when locked or asleep.
- Changed the default sound & auto stop the notify sound after 20 seconds.
- Other general optimizations.
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at scrisqiu@hotmail.com.
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
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