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🎨 VSCode Theme Generator

Generate stunning, customized VSCode themes with our intelligent color algorithm, sacred geometry patterns, and semantic token system.

✨ Features

  • 🖌️ Intelligent color generation algorithm
  • 🔯 Sacred geometry-inspired color schemes
  • 🧠 Semantic token support for enhanced syntax highlighting
  • 🎭 Light and dark theme variants
  • 🔧 Customizable color palettes
  • 📦 Easy export to VSCode extension format
  • 🔒 Color locking for fine-tuned control
  • 🔄 ANSI color regeneration
  • 🖥️ Live theme preview with Monaco editor

🧬 Color Generation Algorithm

Our algorithm creates harmonious color schemes by:

  1. Selecting a base color
  2. Generating complementary and analogous colors
  3. Adjusting saturation and brightness for optimal contrast
  4. Applying color theory principles for visual appeal

🔯 Sacred Geometry Color Schemes

One of our standout features is the use of sacred geometry patterns to create visually stunning and harmonious color schemes. These patterns, derived from ancient mathematical principles, include:

  • Flower of Life
  • Fibonacci Spiral
  • Golden Ratio
  • Platonic Solids
  • Sri Yantra

Each pattern is used to generate a unique color palette that resonates with the underlying mathematical harmony found in nature. This approach ensures that your themes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also grounded in timeless design principles.

How it works:

  1. Select a sacred geometry pattern
  2. The algorithm maps colors to specific points or sections of the pattern
  3. Color relationships are determined based on their positions within the pattern
  4. The resulting palette is applied to your VSCode theme

This feature allows for the creation of themes that are both visually appealing and conceptually meaningful.

🏷️ Semantic Tokens

We use semantic tokens to provide consistent and meaningful syntax highlighting across various programming languages and file types.

🎛️ Theme Controls

  • Switch between light and dark modes
  • Choose from predefined color schemes
  • Adjust UI and syntax color saturation
  • Regenerate unlocked colors
  • Regenerate ANSI colors

🔓 Color Locking

Lock specific colors to prevent them from changing during theme regeneration, allowing for fine-tuned control over your theme.

👁️ Live Preview

Use the built-in Monaco editor to preview your theme in real-time with sample code snippets in various languages.

🤝 How to Contribute

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  3. Make your changes and commit: git commit -m "Add your feature"
  4. Push to your fork: git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  5. Create a pull request

🚀 Future Improvements

  • Add support for popular frameworks (React, Vue, Angular)
  • Create theme templates for different coding styles
  • Improve accessibility options for color-blind users
  • Develop a web-based theme preview and customization tool
  • Add more language-specific semantic tokens
  • Implement theme sharing and community features
  • Expand the sacred geometry pattern library
  • Allow users to upload custom geometric patterns for color generation

We welcome contributions and ideas to make this theme generator even better!

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.