15551 commits
to 420
since this release
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Discord/Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM1214-1825-0.93.9-b3feec7
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2023-12-14 18:25 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2023-12-14 18:25 EST
- SubGHz: Fix repeater crash on known protocol key TX & Long press OK to TX (By LeeroysHub)
- Updated: BLE Spam v4.4 (By Willy-JL & ECTO-1A & Spooks4576 with research from xMasterX; OFW API thanks to noproto)
- Updated: FlipBoard Blinky v2.1 (By jamisonderek)
- Updated: FlipBoard Keyboard v2.0 (By jamisonderek)
- Updated: Hangman v1.5 (By Evgeny Stepanischev & Eva Stepanischeva)
- Updated: FlipBoard Signal v3.1 (By jamisonderek) bumped version in app
- Updated: Sokoban v1.2 (By Racso) Bumped version only.
- Updated: Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe v1.1 (By Racso) Bumped version only.
- Updated: Zero v1.4 (By Racso) Bumped version only.
- Updated: Authenticator/TOTP v5.9.1 (By akopachov) Exit on short back press (By Willy-JL)
- Update Wifi-Stealer_ORG.txt #1005 (By 3ldidi94)
- Added: BlackJack Counter v1.0 (By grugnoymeme)
- Updated: IR Intervalometer for Sony Cameras v1.2 (By Nitepone) Bumped version only.
- Updated: Guess The Number v1.1 (By kWAYTV)
- OFW: SubGhz: changed the name of the button when sending RAW to SubGhz #3275 (By Skorpionm)
- Added: Connect Wires v1.0 (By AlexTaran)
- Updated: MALVEKE GB Live Camera v1.1 (By EstebanFuentealba)
- UL: fix key display newline [for Came Atomo] (By xMasterX)
- UL: Updated: Bluetooth/USB Remote v1.6 (By Cutch)-OFW Minor range of mouse movement update (By xMasterX)
- Updated: Atomic Dice Roller v1.1 (By nmrr) MD5 library updates.
- Add CTRL-ENTER keycode combo to ducky script #1009 (By 3ldidi94)
- OFW: Update CLI MOTD #3292 (By skotopes)
- Fix for no animations build to not crash CFW Settings when showing Animations options in CFW Settings => Interface => Desktop. (By RogueMaster)