Welcome to the GSAP Landing Page Demo! This project showcases the power of GSAP animations and provides an interactive landing page experience.
Live Demo: GSAP Landing Page
Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This project showcases my skills as a Front-End Developer. Check out the live demo !
This portfolio website is designed to highlight my work, skills, and passion for Front-End development ( Right now it's just a demo ). It features a sleek and modern design with smooth scrolling animations and interactive elements.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.
- Locomotive Scroll for smooth scrolling.
- GSAP animations for dynamic visual effects.
- Loader animation for an engaging user experience.
- ScrollTrigger for triggering animations on scroll.
- Hover effects and stylish transitions.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Remixicon - Icon library
- Google Fonts - Fonts
- Locomotive Scroll - Smooth scrolling library
- GSAP - GreenSock Animation Platform