A simple boilerplate to create a new website integration.
When the server is started, it automatically builds the JS and CSS files whenever the asset files change, and automatically reloads the site in the browser when a file is modified and saved.
In this example project, the chosen template file extension is ".html.twig" (to be easily integrated in a Symfony project). But you are free to choose the desired file extension (html, njk, etc)
In the "templates" folder, the loaded pages are the files at the root of this folder.
To provide data that can be used as variables in the template files, create a new json file in the "data" folder, named exactly the same as the template file. For example, in this project, we have 2 pages ("home.html.twig" and "test.html.twig"). In data, we have 2 json files named "home.json" and "test.json".
Tip: use nvm for better flexibility of node version
- NodeJS
- NPM (or Yarn)
You can replace "yarn" with "npm" if you wish. I chose Yarn, simply by personal preference
yarn install
To override the configuration, copy and paste the .env.example file and rename it to .env, and edit the values.
yarn start
By default, without custom configuration, go to: http://localhost:3001
You can include json data in other json, by specifying in the value of your key the "include_data" function, pointing to the associated file in data
Example : (in home.json)
"cards": "include_data('project.json')"
For this to work, you need to add a root key named "include_data" in the file you want to include, and specify the data you want to include in your file.
Example : (in project.json)
"include_data": [
"id": 82,
"title": "enim commodo consequat ad laboris",
"description": "veniam consequat cillum sit incididunt anim ex ullamco enim anim consequat nostrud velit labore id occaecat",
"image": {
"url": "https://loremflickr.com/500/500/landscape?lock=",
"alt": "exercitation duis",
"title": "do sunt velit et cillum eu ipsum incididunt exercitation cupidatat reprehenderit aliqua eiusmod officia ut non nisi irure ut irure"
"date": "2022-03-09"