This is a small utility to enable dynamic locale strings to be injected into dynamic Perch templates.
To install the app, upload to the perch/addons/apps
directory and add jw_translations to your config/apps.php
$apps_list = array(
To set the site locale, add a new entry into the perch config.php
Translation files should be stored in perch/translations
. The top level directories inside should be the locales. An example structure could be:
- translations
-- en
-- fr
-- gr
-- jp
-- ru
The translation files are plain PHP files that return an array. For example, a translation file named controls.php
may contain:
<?php return array(
'buttons' => array(
'save' => 'Save Post',
'payment' => 'Submit Payment',
'delete' => 'Delete Post'
To use translations in template files, use the tag <perch:trans />
. Using the example file above, to output a button using the save string would look like this:
<perch:trans id="" />
The ID attribute uses a dot notation syntax to load the correct string. Nested directories require additional dots:
/en/blog/controls.php ~>
It is also possible to set a default fallback, in the event a translation cannot be found:
<perch:trans id="" default="Save" />
The global locale can be granularly overwritten using the lang
<perch:trans id="" lang="fr" />
In some cases, you may need to pass template data back into the translation strings, for example a user may be presented with a personalised welcome message on logging in. This can be acheived using placeholders.
In the translation file, setting a placeholder looks like this:
<?php return array(
'messages' => array(
'welcome' => 'Hello, :username - welcome back'
To pass data from the template, prepend 'placeholder-' to the name and use as an attribute:
<div class="alert">
<perch:trans id="alerts.messages.welcome" placeholder-username="<perch:content id="member_name" />" />
If translations are required outside of Perch templates, the get_translation
function is available.
It takes 3 parameters:
- The ID string
- An options array (optional)
- Return true / false
A full example looks like:
get_translation('', array(
'default' => 'Save',
'lang' => 'fr',
'placeholders' => array(
'username' => 'John Smith'
), false);
Setting the third parameter to true
will return the value rather than output:
$button_label = get_translation('', array(), true);