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test(VanguardNFT): provide tests and measure gas fees
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shenshin committed Dec 6, 2024


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akshatmittal Akshat Mittal
1 parent 9c053da commit f17ac57
Showing 8 changed files with 394 additions and 323 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions contracts/NFT/VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Compatible with OpenZeppelin Contracts ^5.0.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {ERC721NonTransferrableUpgradable} from "../NFT/ERC721NonTransferrableUpgradable.sol";
import {GovernorRootstockCollective} from "../GovernorRootstockCollective.sol";
import {Math} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective is ERC721NonTransferrableUpgradable {
using Strings for uint256;

event IpfsFolderChanged(uint256 newNumFiles, string newIpfs);
event MintLimitChanged(uint256 newLimit);
event ProposalCountChanged(uint8 newCount);
event StRifThresholdChanged(uint256 newThreshold);

error HasNotVoted();
error MintLimitReached(uint256 mintLimit);
error OutOfTokens(uint256 maxSupply);
error BelowStRifThreshold(uint256 balance, uint256 requiredBalance);

// Rootstock Collective DAO Governor address
GovernorRootstockCollective public governor;
// Staked RIF token address
IERC20 public stRif;
// Counter for the total number of minted tokens
uint256 private _totalMinted;
// number of metadata files in the IPFS directory
uint256 private _maxSupply;
* @notice Defines the maximum number of NFTs that can be claimed during the current phase.
* This allows the Foundation to unlock additional phases by updating the limit as needed
uint256 public mintLimit;
// Minimum Staked RIF token balance to claim an NFT
uint256 public stRifThreshold;
// The number of proposals that need to be checked to determine whether the user voted for any of them
uint8 public proposalCount;
// IPFS CID of the tokens metadata directory
string private _folderIpfsCid;

/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
constructor() {

function initialize(
uint256 maxSupply,
uint256 initialMintLimit,
uint256 initialStRifThreshold,
address initialOwner,
address stRifAddress,
GovernorRootstockCollective governorAddress,
uint8 initialProposalCount,
string calldata ipfsFolderCid
) public initializer {
__ERC721UpgradableBase_init("VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective", "VV", initialOwner);
governor = governorAddress;
stRif = IERC20(stRifAddress);
setIpfsFolder(maxSupply, ipfsFolderCid);

* @dev Sets a new IPFS folder and updates the maximum supply of tokens that can be minted.
* This function is meant to be called by an admin when the metadata folder on IPFS is updated.
* It ensures that the new maximum supply is greater than the previous one.
* @param newMaxSupply The new maximum number of tokens that can be minted.
* @param newIpfsCid The new IPFS CID for the metadata folder.
function setIpfsFolder(uint256 newMaxSupply, string calldata newIpfsCid) public virtual onlyOwner {
require(newMaxSupply >= _maxSupply, "VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective: Invalid max supply");
_maxSupply = newMaxSupply;
_folderIpfsCid = newIpfsCid;
emit IpfsFolderChanged(newMaxSupply, newIpfsCid);

* @dev Checks whether the specified address (`caller`) has voted on any of the last
* `numProposals` proposals. Iterates through the most recent proposals to determine
* if a vote exists for the caller.
* @param caller The address to check for voting activity.
* @return True if the caller has voted on at least one of the checked proposals, otherwise false.
function hasVoted(address caller) public view virtual returns (bool) {
uint256 firstCheckIndex = governor.proposalCount();
uint256 lastCheckIndex = firstCheckIndex > proposalCount ? firstCheckIndex - proposalCount : 0;
for (uint256 i = firstCheckIndex; i > lastCheckIndex; ) {
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
(uint256 proposalId, , , , ) = governor.proposalDetailsAt(i - 1);
if (governor.hasVoted(proposalId, caller)) return true;
// Disable overflow check to save gas, as `i` is guaranteed to be > 0 in this loop
unchecked {
return false;

* @dev Updates the `proposalCount`, which determines the number of recent proposals
* to check for user voting activity. Allows the owner to adjust the depth of the check.
function setProposalCount(uint8 newCount) public virtual onlyOwner {
emit ProposalCountChanged(newCount);
proposalCount = newCount;

* @dev Updates the `mintLimit` to define the maximum number of NFTs claimable in the current phase
function setMintLimit(uint256 newMintLimit) public virtual onlyOwner {
emit MintLimitChanged(newMintLimit);
mintLimit = newMintLimit;

* @dev Sets a new minimum StRIF balance to claim the NFT.
function setStRifThreshold(uint256 newThreshold) public virtual onlyOwner {
emit StRifThresholdChanged(newThreshold);
stRifThreshold = newThreshold;

function mint() external virtual {
address caller = _msgSender();
// make sure the minter's stRIF balance is above the minimum threshold
uint256 stRifBalance = stRif.balanceOf(caller);
if (stRifBalance < stRifThreshold) revert BelowStRifThreshold(stRifBalance, stRifThreshold);
// make sure we still have some CIDs for minting new tokens
if (tokensAvailable() == 0) revert OutOfTokens(_maxSupply);
// revert if minter hasn't voted in the last `proposalCount` proposals
if (!hasVoted(caller)) revert HasNotVoted();
uint256 tokenId = ++_totalMinted;
// revert if the mint limit in the current minting phase was reached.
if (tokenId > mintLimit) revert MintLimitReached(mintLimit);
string memory fileName = string.concat(tokenId.toString(), ".json"); // 1.json, 2.json ...
_safeMint(caller, tokenId);
_setTokenURI(tokenId, fileName);

* @dev Returns the number of tokens available for minting
function tokensAvailable() public view virtual returns (uint256) {
if (_totalMinted >= _maxSupply) return 0;
return _maxSupply - _totalMinted;

* @dev Returns the token ID for a given owner address.
* This is a simplified version of the `tokenOfOwnerByIndex` function without the index
* parameter, since a community member can only own one token.
function tokenIdByOwner(address owner) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
return tokenOfOwnerByIndex(owner, 0);

* @dev Returns the token IPFS URI for the given owner address.
* This utility function combines two view functions.
function tokenUriByOwner(address owner) public view virtual returns (string memory) {
return tokenURI(tokenIdByOwner(owner));

* @dev Returns the base URI used for constructing the token URI.
* @return The base URI string.
function _baseURI() internal view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return string.concat("ipfs://", _folderIpfsCid, "/");

* @dev Prevents the transfer and mint of tokens to addresses that already own one.
* Ensures that one address cannot own more than one token.
function _update(address to, uint256 tokenId, address auth) internal override returns (address) {
// Disallow transfers by smart contracts, as only EOAs can be community members
// slither-disable-next-line tx-origin
if (_msgSender() != tx.origin) revert ERC721InvalidOwner(_msgSender());
// disallow transfers to members (excluding zero-address for enabling burning)
// disable minting more than one token
if (to != address(0) && balanceOf(to) > 0) revert ERC721InvalidOwner(to);
return super._update(to, tokenId, auth);

function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal virtual override onlyOwner {}
122 changes: 0 additions & 122 deletions contracts/test/VanguardNFT.sol

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hardhat.config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
gasReporter: {
enabled: true,
enabled: false,
reportPureAndViewMethods: true,
showUncalledMethods: false,
33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions ignition/modules/VanguardNFTModule.ts

This file was deleted.

36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions ignition/modules/VotingVanguardsModule.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { buildModule } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ignition/modules'

export const VanguardNFTModule = buildModule('VanguardNFT', m => {
// deploy implementation
const implementation = m.contract('VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective', [], { id: 'Implementation' })

// initializer parameters
const maxSupply = m.getParameter<number>('maxSupply')
const mintLimit = m.getParameter<number>('mintLimit')
const stRifThreshold = m.getParameter<bigint>('stRifThreshold')
const initialOwner = m.getAccount(0)
const stRif = m.getParameter<string>('stRif')
const governor = m.getParameter<string>('governor')
const proposalCount = m.getParameter<number>('proposalCount')
const ipfsFolderCid = m.getParameter<string>('ipfsFolderCid')

// deploy proxy
const proxy = m.contract('ERC1967Proxy', [
[maxSupply, mintLimit, stRifThreshold, initialOwner, stRif, governor, proposalCount, ipfsFolderCid],
id: 'Proxy',
const VanguardNFT = m.contractAt('VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective', proxy, {
id: 'Contract',

return { VanguardNFT }

export default VanguardNFTModule
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion params/VanguardNFT/testnet.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
"VanguardNFT": {
"maxSupply": 1000,
"mintLimit": 200,
"stRifThreshold": 50000000000000000000,
"stRif": "0x4861198e9A6814EBfb152552D1b1a37426C54D23",
"governor": "0x2109FF4a9D5548a21F877cA937Ac5847Fde49694",
"maxSupply": 20,
"proposalCount": 3,
"ipfsFolderCid": "QmPaCP36tFjXp7xqcPi4ggatL7w4dsWKGTv1kpaSVkv9KW"
227 changes: 157 additions & 70 deletions test/Vanguard.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import { ethers, ignition } from 'hardhat'
import { GovernorRootstockCollective, VanguardNFTRootstockCollective } from '../typechain-types'
import VanguardNFTModule from '../ignition/modules/VanguardNFTModule'
import {
} from '../typechain-types'
import VotingVanguardsModule from '../ignition/modules/VotingVanguardsModule'
import { deployContracts } from './deployContracts'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers'
@@ -9,10 +14,16 @@ import { loadFixture, mine } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'
import { VoteType } from '../types'

const ZERO_BYTE = '0x00'
const rootstockGasPriceAverage = 63228564n

describe('Vanguard NFT', () => {
const proposalCount = 10
// The number of proposals that need to be checked to determine whether the user voted for any of them
const proposalCount = 3
const ipfsFolderCid = 'QmZYHgFMjZ9SNvFwP9rCxtDEgF2JfJwQtaSg2fqxTX31eG'
const stRifThreshold = 50n * 10n ** 18n
const votingPower = 100n * 10n ** 18n
const maxSupply = 1000
const mintLimit = 200

let deployer: SignerWithAddress
let voter: SignerWithAddress
@@ -22,25 +33,41 @@ describe('Vanguard NFT', () => {
;[deployer, voter, proposalTarget] = await ethers.getSigners()

// The number of proposals that need to be checked to determine whether the user voted for any of them
// give voting power
const enfranchise = async (rif: RIFToken, stRIF: StRIFToken) => {
// give voting power to deployer to be able to create a proposal
await rif.approve(await stRIF.getAddress(), votingPower).then(tx => tx.wait())
await stRIF.depositAndDelegate(deployer.address, votingPower).then(tx => tx.wait())
// give voting power to voter
await rif.transfer(voter.address, votingPower).then(tx => tx.wait())
await rif
.approve(await stRIF.getAddress(), votingPower)
.then(tx => tx.wait())
await stRIF
.depositAndDelegate(voter.address, votingPower)
.then(tx => tx.wait())

const deploy = async () => {
const contracts = await deployContracts()
const vanguard = (
await ignition.deploy(VanguardNFTModule, {
await ignition.deploy(VotingVanguardsModule, {
parameters: {
VanguardNFT: {
stRif: await contracts.stRIF.getAddress(),
governor: await contracts.governor.getAddress(),
maxSupply: 10n,
).VanguardNFT as unknown as VanguardNFTRootstockCollective
const votingPower = 100n * 10n ** 18n
await contracts.rif.approve(await contracts.stRIF.getAddress(), votingPower).then(tx => tx.wait())
await contracts.stRIF.depositAndDelegate(deployer.address, votingPower).then(tx => tx.wait())
).VanguardNFT as unknown as VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective
await enfranchise(contracts.rif, contracts.stRIF)
return { ...contracts, vanguard }

@@ -53,73 +80,133 @@ describe('Vanguard NFT', () => {
return event.args.proposalId

const testMintGas = async (numAdditionalProposals: number) => {
const { governor, vanguard } = await loadFixture(deploy)
describe('NFT lifecycle', () => {
let governor: GovernorRootstockCollective
let vanguard: VotingVanguardsRootstockCollective
let stRif: StRIFToken

// Create and vote for the initial proposal
const id = await createProposal(governor)
await governor
.castVote(id, VoteType.For)
.then(tx => tx.wait())

// Create additional proposals
for (let i = 0; i < numAdditionalProposals; i++) {
await createProposal(governor)
before(async () => {
const contracts = await loadFixture(deploy)
governor = contracts.governor
vanguard =
stRif = contracts.stRIF

// Mint and measure gas
const mintTx = await vanguard.connect(voter).mint()
const mintReceipt = await mintTx.wait()
if (!mintReceipt) throw new Error('Unable to mint')
const { gasPrice, gasUsed } = mintReceipt
return {
gasFee: +formatEther(gasPrice * gasUsed),
describe('Upon deployment', async () => {
it('Contract names should be set after the deployment', async () => {
it('number of past votes to be checked should be set up', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.proposalCount()).to.equal(proposalCount)
it('StRif threshold should be set', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.stRifThreshold()).to.equal(stRifThreshold)
it('StRif address should be set in the Vanguard contract', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.stRif()).to.equal(await stRif.getAddress())
it('Mint limit should be set', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.mintLimit()).to.equal(mintLimit)
it('All tokens should be available for minting', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.tokensAvailable()).to.equal(maxSupply)
it('Number of proposal to search should be set', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.proposalCount()).to.equal(proposalCount)

describe('measuring gas', () => {
it('mint after 0 - 10 proposals', async () => {
let totalGasPrice = 0n
for (let i = 0; i < proposalCount; i++) {
const { gasPrice } = await testMintGas(i)
totalGasPrice += gasPrice
console.log('average gas price', totalGasPrice / BigInt(proposalCount))
it('Voter`s StRif balance should be above the StRif threshold', async () => {
expect(await stRif.balanceOf(voter.address))
it('Voter should have enough voting power to vote', async () => {
expect(await stRif.getVotes(voter.address)).to.equal(votingPower)

/* describe.skip('Upon deployment', () => {
it('Contract names should be set after the deployment', async () => {
it('number of past votes to be checked should be set up', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.proposalCount()).to.equal(proposalCount)
describe('Minting NFTs', () => {
it('Voter should not be able to mint NFT before voting', async () => {
await expect(vanguard.connect(voter).mint()), 'HasNotVoted')
it('hasVoted should detect that voter hasn`t voted yet', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.hasVoted(voter.address))
it('Governor should now store 0 proposals', async () => {
expect(await governor.proposalCount()).to.equal(0)
it('Voter should NOT be able to mint an NFT if he voted long ago (before `proposalCount`)', async () => {
const id = await createProposal(governor)

await governor.connect(voter).castVote(id, VoteType.For)
// voter misses 3 proposals
await createProposal(governor)
await createProposal(governor)
await createProposal(governor)
expect(await vanguard.hasVoted(voter.address))
it('voter should vote for a proposal', async () => {
const id = await createProposal(governor)
await expect(governor.connect(voter).castVote(id, VoteType.For)).to.emit(governor, 'VoteCast')
expect(await governor.hasVoted(id, voter.address))
it('should create 2 more proposals', async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
await createProposal(governor)
it('hasVoted should detect that voter has already voted', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.hasVoted(voter.address))
it('Voter should be able to mint NFT after voting', async () => {
await expect(vanguard.connect(voter).mint()).to.emit(vanguard, 'Transfer')
it('Voter should NOT be able to mint NFT second time', async () => {
await expect(vanguard.connect(voter).mint())
describe.skip('Minting NFTs', () => {
it('Voter should not be able to mint NFT before voting', async () => {
await expect(vanguard.connect(voter).mint()), 'HasNotVoted')
it.skip('voter should vote for a proposal', async () => {
const id = await createProposal()
await expect(governor.connect(voter).castVote(id, VoteType.For)).to.emit(governor, 'VoteCast')
expect(await governor.hasVoted(id, voter.address))
it('should create 10 proposals', async () => {

describe('Measuring gas', () => {
const testMintGas = async (numAdditionalProposals: number) => {
const { governor, vanguard } = await loadFixture(deploy)

// Create and vote for the initial proposal
const id = await createProposal(governor)
await governor
.castVote(id, VoteType.For)
.then(tx => tx.wait())

// Create additional proposals
for (let i = 0; i < numAdditionalProposals; i++) {
await createProposal(governor)

// Mint and measure gas
const mintTx = await vanguard.connect(voter).mint()
const mintReceipt = await mintTx.wait()
if (!mintReceipt) throw new Error('Unable to mint')
const { gasPrice, gasUsed } = mintReceipt
return {
gasFee: +formatEther(rootstockGasPriceAverage * gasUsed),

it('Fees paid for a single proposal check should be reasonable', async () => {
const gasFees: number[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < proposalCount; i++) {
await createProposal()
const { gasFee } = await testMintGas(i)
const feesPerProposalCheck = gasFees.slice(1).map((current, index) => current - gasFees[index])
const averageFeePerProposalCheck =
feesPerProposalCheck.reduce((sum, diff) => sum + diff, 0) / feesPerProposalCheck.length
it('hasVoted should detect that voter hasn`t voted yet', async () => {
expect(await vanguard.hasVoted(voter.address, proposalCount))
it('Voter should be able to mint NFT after voting', async () => {
await expect(vanguard.connect(voter).mint()).to.emit(vanguard, 'Transfer')
96 changes: 0 additions & 96 deletions test/gasCheckForNFT.test.ts

This file was deleted.

0 comments on commit f17ac57

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