Fully customizable DynDNS, on the cheap!
LICENCE: WTFPL ("no really...")
- Supports multiple sub-domains and top level domains
- Supports email notifications on domain updates
- Works on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Cheap: obtain a fully customizable DDNS for 5€/year or less. Equivalent fully managed services cost around 40€/month!
- Open-source!
- Only supports European OVH endpoint for now.
Generate OVH API keys by creating an application here : Creating an API Application.
Download and extract the latest release.
unzip file.zip
Copy the
of this repository into the previously extracted release directory. -
Edit the values of the
file to suit your needs. For now, the only required values are OvhApplicationKey, OvhApplicationSecret and OvhDomainName. You can set the other properties later. -
Request your Consumer Key by executing the script with get-ck parameter.
./OVH_DynDNS_v2 get-ck
Once you obtain your consumer key, set the OvhConsumerKey property of the
file. -
Run the DDNS agent. It will check for domain updates every 5 minutes.
Property | Usage |
OvhApplicationKey | Your OVH application key |
OvhApplicationSecret | Your OVH application secret |
OvhConsumerKey | Your OVH consumer key. See in guide how to get it. |
OvhDomainName | Your OVH domain that you want to transform into dynamic domain |
EnableEmailNotifications | Enable or not domain updates email notifications |
MailSmtpHost | Your SMTP host |
MailSmtpPort | Your SMTP host port |
MailSmtpUsername | Your SMTP account username |
MailSmtpPassword | Your SMTP account password |
MailEnableSsl | Enable is your SMTP server uses SSL encryption |
MailFrom | The emitter of the notification emails. May be overwritten by certain SMTP server like Gmail! |
MailTo | The receiver of the notifications emails |
Coming soon...
The code is written in C#, running with .NET Core 3.1 runtime
Coming soon...
- Sub-domain inclusion/exclusion (white-list/black-list modes)
- Multiple domains support in one agent only
- Multiple email notification targets