...Is an app to track your progress in learning a new skill. It also has social features to help spread encouragement in a users learning journey. Users can enter "Pathways", which can be seen as a set of skill trees towards learning a subject. Each Pathway has multiple skills, and inside each skill there is a checklist of milestones. To give an example, the "Web Development Pathway" will be structured kind of like David's lecture materials in notion. The skills will be "javascript" or "css", etc, and inside each one will have the milestones of skills within that subject. The social features come in as comments on the milestones. Users can leave comments/words of encouragement, as well as links to resources they might find helpful to others. 🛣️
App Link:
Trello Board:
- Junior
- Designer
- API Manager
- Rose
- GitHub Manager
- Scrum Master
- SJ
- Database Manager
- Documentor
- Javascript
- MongoDB
- Express
- Mongoose
- Node.js
- Token-based auth
- React
- Font Awesome
- React Rainbow Components
- Unsplash
- Goodfon.com
- lottiefiles.com
- Option to delete a milestone
- Like feature on comments
- Want users to be able to add their own pathway
- Redirect to login before viewing milestones