Rosemary is a passionate and ambitious full-stack developer whose aim is writing dry and clean codes. I am very much open to learning new technologies in the market so as to develop a global mindset. I am seeking a position in a growth-oriented company where I can use my skills to the advantage of the company while having the scope to develop my skills..
🔭 I’m currently working on perfecting my backend skills in ruby, Rails, API Development (Rails Rest Framwork) while mastering data structures & algorithms
🌱 I’m currently learning Angular
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any challenge that seeks to make life better and simpler.
🤝 I’m looking for help with Azure
💬 Ask me about web apps, and tech.
⚡ Fun fact Am passionate about tech-start-up . Am a code-mind.
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📫 How to reach me
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