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The configuration of the database connection is required to use the plugin, and it was recently altered to support a wider range of Database Manager Systems.
Please, make sure to configure the database connection properly before starting the server.

Why to use RemoteAuth?

RemoteAuth is a simple and easy to use plugin that allows you to authenticate users in your application using a remote server. This is useful when you have multiple applications, and you want to authenticate users in all of them using a single server.


  • Authenticate users using a remote server
    • Directly connect to a SQL Database Management System (DBMS)
    • Directly connect to a NoSQL Database (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
  • Register users using a remote server
    • Directly connect to a SQL Database Management System (DBMS)
    • Directly connect to a NoSQL Database (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
  • Make users to teleport to a spawn point when logging in

Available DBMSs

  • PostgresSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server (Bug with the driver)
  • SQLite
  • Oracle

Download, Usage and Examples



To download RemoteAuth, you can use this link in Spigot to download the latest version of the plugin. After downloading the jar file, you can add it to your server's /plugins folder.

Make sure to configure properly the required and optional properties before starting the server.

Database Configuration

To configure RemoteAuth, you need to open the config.yml file inside the /plugins/RemoteAuth folder. In this file, you can configure the database connection considering the following parameters:

  ready_to_connect: False
  dbms: 'postgresql'
  host: 'localhost'
  port: 5432
  database: 'RemoteAuth'
  username: 'postgres'
  password: 'postgres'
  • db.ready_to_connect - This parameter is used to check if the plugin is ready to connect to the database. If it is set to False, the plugin will not connect to the database. (REQUIRED)
  • db.dbms - The DBMS you are using. Use the one of the following parameters: (REQUIRED)
    • PostgresSQL: postgresql
  • - The host of the database. (REQUIRED)
  • db.port - The port used for your database. (REQUIRED)
  • db.database - The name of the database you are using. (REQUIRED)
  • db.username - The username used to connect to the database. (REQUIRED)
  • db.password - The password used to connect to the database. (REQUIRED)

Make sure to use the correct values for your database connection. Otherwise, the plugin will be shut down during the initialization process.

Spawn Configuration

The spawn point is used to teleport the player when they log in. If the spawn point is not set, the player won't be teleported.

If you want to use the spawn point feature, you must configure it with one of the options below, or, in case you don't want to use it, you can skip this step.

If you don't want the player being teleported when logging in, you must make sure the spawn object in the /plugin/RemoteAuth/config.yml file has the spawn_set property set as True.

1. First option - With command (RECOMMENDED)
  • To configure the spawn point you must use the /rasetspawn command
  • This command will set the spawn point to the location where the command was executed.
    • set the coordinates X, Y and Z
    • set the direction the player is looking with the pitch for the vertical direction and yaw for the horizontal direction
2. Second option - Manually
  • You can set the spawn point manually in the config.yml file inside /plugins/RemoteAuth folder.
  • There will be a section called spawn where you can set the X, Y, Z, pitch, yaw and world values.
    • To define the spawn point for the first time you must use the following format:
      • spawn:
          spawn_set: False
          X: 0
          Y: 0
          Z: 0
          pitch: 0.0
          yaw: 0.0
          world: world
    • To change it, you can use the same format, changing the values.

    Make sure to also use the spawn_set parameter to check if the spawn point is set. If it is set to False, the player won't be teleported when logging in.

    Make sure to use the same format as the example above. Otherwise, it will not work!!

Messages Configuration

Added in the version 1.2.0 of the plugin

You can configure the messages that the plugin will send to the player in the /plugins/RemoteAuth/ file in the following format:

# Example of the file
prefix.chat_prefix=&7[&bRemoteAuth&7] &r
messages.welcome.login=&aHello &a&l%player%&a&r - Nice to see you again!\n&a> Use /login <password> to login!
messages.welcome.register=&aHello %player% - Welcome to the server!\n&a> Use /register <password> <confirmPassword> to register!
messages.welcome.login_success=&aYou have successfully logged in!

IMPORTANT -> The default chat modifier is §. However, due to encoding issues, you must use & instead of § in the file.

Note that those are only a few examples of the messages you can configure. In the table below you can see all the messages that can be configured.

In the following table is possible to see all the messages that can be configured in the file:

Message Key Description Possible Variables Default Value
prefix.chat_prefix The prefix that will be shown in the chat - &7[&bRemoteAuth&7] &r
messages.welcome.login The message that will be shown to the player when they enter in the server - Before log in %player%, %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§aTo log in, use /login <password>
messages.welcome.register The message that will be shown to the player when they enter in the server - Before register %player%, %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§a§aYou are not registered!\n> §aUse /register <password> <confirmPassword> to register.
messages.welcome.login_success The message that will be shown to the player when they log in successfully %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§aYou have successfully logged in!
messages.welcome.register_success The message that will be shown to the player when they register successfully %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§aYou have been successfully registered!
messages.success.spawn_set The message that will be shown to the player when the spawn point is set successfully %chatPrefix%, %x%, %y%, %z% %chatPrefix%§aSpawn set at (§f%x%§a, §f%y%§a, §f%z%§a)
messages.alert.login_time_out The message that will be shown to the player when the login process times out %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cYou took too long to log in. Please try again.
messages.alert.pre_login_time_out The message that will be shown to the player when the login time is about to run out %chatPrefix%, %time% %chatPrefix%§cYou have to log in in %time% seconds. Otherwise, you will be kicked.
messages.error.no_permission The message that will be shown to the player when they don't have permission to do something %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cYou don't have permission to do that!
messages.error.already_logged_in The message that will be shown to the player when they are already logged in and try to log in again %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cYou are already logged in!
messages.error.not_logged_in The message that will be shown to the player when they are not logged in and try to do something else %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cYou are not logged in!
messages.error.invalid_username_password The message that will be shown to the player when they try to log in with an invalid username or password %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cInvalid username or password!
messages.error.already_registered The message that will be shown to the player when they are already registered and try to register %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cYou are already registered!
messages.error.command_not_found The message that will be shown to the player when they try to use a command that doesn't exist %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cCommand not found!
messages.error.server_not_up The message that will be shown to the player when the server is not up and the player tries to log in or perform any action %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cThe server is not up, try again later.
messages.error.critical_login_error The message that will be shown to the player when a critical error happens during the login process (e.g. database error) %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§c§lA critical error occurred while logging in. Please contact an administrator.
messages.error.critical_register_error The message that will be shown to the player when a critical error happens during the register process (e.g. database error) %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§c§lA critical error occurred while registering. Please contact an administrator.
messages.error.critical_isregistered_error The message that will be shown to the player when a critical error occurs during the checking user process (if it's registered or not) %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§c§lA critical error occurred while checking if you are registered. Please contact an administrator.
messages.error.passwords_do_not_match The message that will be shown to the player when the passwords don't match during the registration process %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cPasswords do not match!
messages.error.login_usage The message that will be shown to the player when they use the /login command in the wrong way %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cUsage: /login <password>
messages.error.register_usage The message that will be shown to the player when they use the /register command in the wrong way %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cUsage: /register <password> <confirmPassword>
messages.success.password_changed The message that will be shown to the player when the password is changed successfully %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§aPassword changed successfully!
messages.error.invalid_arguments_password_change The message that will be shown to the player when the arguments are invalid in the password change command %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cUsage: /changepassword <newPassword>
messages.error.password_change The message that will be shown to the player when an error happens during the password change process %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cError while changing password.
messages.error.crictical_password_change_error The message that will be shown to the player when a critical error happens during the password change process %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§c§lA critical error occurred while changing password. Please contact an administrator.
messages.error.player_not_found The message that will be shown to the player when the player is not found in the database %chatPrefix% %chatPrefix%§cPlayer not found.


Note that you have to have Maven and Git installed on your machine to build the project in the shown way.

To edit the source code, you can fork this repository and open it in your favorite IDE. After making the changes, you can build the project using Maven. To do so, you can use the following commands:

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Navigate to the project root folder
  4. Build the project:
    1. clean: remove any file into target folder
    2. install: compile the project and install it in the local repository
cd {directory}
git clone
cd RemoteAuth
mvn clean install

After this process, you will have the jar file in the target folder. You can use this jar file to replace the one in your server's /plugins folder.


In the table below is possible to see all the commands that can be used in the RemoteAuth plugin, with their respective usage and permission.

Name Usage Command Permission
Login Log in the player with the given username and password. /login <password> -
Register Register the player with the given password. /register <password> <confirmPassword> -
Set Spawn Set the spawn point to the location where the command was executed. /rasetspawn remoteauth.setspawn
Change Password Change the player's password. /changepassword <newPassword> -
Change Password (Admin) Change another player's password. /changepassword <player> <newPassword> remoteauth.changepassword


If you have any questions, suggestions or want to contribute, please contact me at my Spigot or at Discord.


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