- GuiCommand: Name:Assembly3 ConstraintPointsProjectDistance Icon:Assembly_ConstraintPointsProjectDistance.svg Workbenches:Assembly3
The Points project distance command constrains the distance of two 2D points in relation to a Straight line.
Based on the line's direction (the z axis of its implicit coordinate system (ICS)) setting the distance of two points along the line means to add the distance value to the first point's z value to receive the second point's z value (and ignoring the x and y values).
- Select two points (2D or 3D).
- Select a straight line (2D or 3D).
Activate the Points project distance command using the:
**<img src="images/Assembly_ConstraintPointsProjectDistance.svg" width=16px> [Points project distance](Assembly3_ConstraintPointsProjectDistance.md)
- Press the Solve constraints or the Quick solve button to recompute
: (if **<img src="images/Assembly_AutoRecompute.svg" width=16px> [Auto recompute](Assembly3_AutoRecompute.md)** and **<img src="images/Assembly_SmartRecompute.svg" width=16px> [Smart recompute](Assembly3_SmartRecompute.md)** are disabled).
documentation index > Assembly3 ConstraintPointsProjectDistance