- GuiCommand: Name:FEM Analysis MenuLocation:Model → Analysis container Workbenches:FEM Shortcut:S A SeeAlso:FEM tutorial
The FEM Analysis could be seen as a Container that holds all objects of a Finite Element Analysis. It is mandatory to have a analysis container which holds all the needed objects. At least one of the following objects is needed for a mechanical analysis:
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
FEM Analysis button.
- Select the Model →
Analysis container option from the menu.
- Use the keyboard shortcut: S then A.
- Press the
- A new Analysis is created and set to active.
- Other objects could be added or removed to the analysis container by drag and drop.
- To add new FEM Objects to the document the analysis has to be active. Double click on the analysis does activate the analysis.
- Up to date there is no option to choose.
- A frequency analysis in in development. See 1 for more informations.
- OutpuDir: Specifies the working directory of the analysis
most code here is depreciated in 0.17.
- new analysis
MechanicalAnalysis.makeMechanicalAnalysis( name )
- add object to the analysis
App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member = App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member + [ (object) ]
- remove object from the analysis
member = App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member
member.remove( documentobject )
App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member = member
import MechanicalAnalysis
analysis = MechanicalAnalysis.makeMechanicalAnalysis("MechanicalAnalysis")
addobj = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("MechanicalMaterial")
App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member = App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member + [addobj]
removeobj = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("MechanicalMaterial")
member = App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member
App.ActiveDocument.MechanicalAnalysis.Member = member
{{FEM Tools navi}}
documentation index > FEM Analysis