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- GuiCommand:
Name:FEM ConstraintDisplacement
MenuLocation:Model → Mechanical Constraints → Constraint displacement
SeeAlso:[FEM tutorial](
Creates a FEM constraint for a prescribed displacement of a selected object for a specified degree of freedom.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
FEM ConstraintDisplacement button.
- Select the Model → Mechanical Constraints →
Constraint displacement option from the menu.
- Press the
- In the 3D view select the object the constraint should be applied to, which can be a vertex (corner), edge, or face.
- Choose a degree of freedom or prescribe a displacement.
- The constraint uses the *BOUNDARY card in CalculiX. Fixing a degree of freedom is explained at and prescribing a displacement for a degree of freedom is explained at
{{FEM Tools navi}}
documentation index > FEM ConstraintDisplacement