- GuiCommand: Name:FEM ConstraintPlaneRotation MenuLocation:Model → Geometrical Constraints → Constraint plane rotation Workbenches:FEM SeeAlso:FEM Constraint transform
Creates a FEM constraint for keeping the nodes in a planar surface in the same plane.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
FEM ConstraintPlaneRotation button.
- Select the Model → Geometrical Constraints →
Constraint plane rotation option from the menu.
- Press the
- In the 3D view select the object the constraint should be applied to, which can be a face.
- Plane rotation constraint can only be applied to a single planar face.
- When a plane rotation constraint is applied to the same face as a displacement/fixed constraint, the displacement/fixed constraint takes preference.
- The constraint uses the *MPC card in CalculiX. The card is explained in detail at http://web.mit.edu/calculix_v2.7/CalculiX/ccx_2.7/doc/ccx/node220.html
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