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Config file

Thérence edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 13 revisions

Global Settings section

Name Value Type Description
save-logs Boolean If you want to save logs in /logs/ folder
max-log-files Integer If set above 0, it will retain the specified number of the most recent logs
debug Boolean If you want debug messages in console and logs
auto-detect-transfers Boolean If auto detection for transfers between listed accounts should be enabled

Credit Agricole section

Name Value Type Description
bank-department Integer Your bank region ID, official list can be found here
bank-account-id Integer (11) Your bank account number credential to login
bank-password Integer (6) Your bank password
import-account-id-list Integer list List of your account numbers for which you want to import transactions
get-transactions-period-days Integer From how many days until now the script will search for transactions
max-transactions-per-get Integer Maximum transactions to get each time the script is run. ⚠️ Can't be over 90 due to recent Credit Agricole API limitations (link)

FireflyIII section

Name Value Type Description
accounts-name-format                                 String FireflyIII accounts name format (with #bank-account-name# which will be replaced by your Credit Agricole account's name). Only useful if there's no FireflyIII account with the same account number as your Credit Agricole account, so the script needs to create it before importing transactions.
hostname String Hostname of your FireflyIII instance
personal-token               String Your FireflyIII personal token

Auto Assignment sections

For each auto assignment section, the typo is the same : key = value1,value2,value3,..., the key will be selected if the transaction's title is value1 or value2 or value3.

You can use * if you want to make start, end or contain checks.

For example : key = *value1,*value2*,value3*,... means that key will be selected if the title of the transaction ends with value1 or contains value2 or starts with value3.

Section Example Description
Auto rename transactions [AutoRenameTransaction]
Transfer_for_Mathéo = WEB MATHO VIREMENT
Sometimes the Credit Agricole transaction's name aren't very clear. Here, everytime you make a transfer to Mathéo (as "é" is a special character), Credit Agricole will write MATHO. So, we make that if the transaction name is "WEB MATHO VIREMENT", it will be renamed into "Transfer for Mathéo".
Auto assign budgets [AutoAssignBudget]
food = BAKERY
crypto = *BINANCE*
Will add the transaction to your food budget if the name of the transaction is BAKERY
Will add the transaction to your crypto budget if the transaction contains BINANCE.
Auto assign categories [AutoAssignCategory]
fun = *LEGO*,*DISNEY*
Will add every transactions with "LEGO" or "DISNEY" in the name to the category : Fun
Auto assign accounts [AutoAssignAccount]
crypto_exchange = *BINANCE*
super_market = *BAKERY*
Will set expense or revenue account to "Crypto exchange" if transaction's name contains BINANCE.
Will set expense or revenue account (depending if the amount is > or < to 0) to "Super market" if transaction's name contains BAKERY.
Auto assign tags [AutoAssignTags]
tech = APPLE*
Will add the tag "Tech" to transactions with a name starting with "APPLE"

TIP: "_" will be replaced by " " in keys.

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