This repo get commands from
- Date Modified: 2021-12-01
- Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.5, 8.0, 7.0
- Tested on Zimbra 8.8.15_GA_4481
- You run the scripts in this repo at your own risk.
- I take no responsibility on your database crash or damage.
- Make sure you review the scripts and understand what you do before run the scripts or follow instructions here.
- Clone this repo
su - zimbra
git clone fix-zimbra-innodb-crash
- Take a backup of your current database for just in case
- eg: for BTRFS file system, a quick and readonly snapshot may be useful
sudo btrfs sub snapshot -r /data /data/.snapshots/data-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M`-before-fixing-mysql-crash sudo btrfs sub show /data # verify
- Enable recovery mode:
- Edit the file /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf and add a line like innodb_force_recovery = 1 under the [mysqld] section (Note that it may be necessary to increase the recovery level depending on the extent of the database corruption, as shown at the end of the database dump step)
nano /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf
- Save the file and restart mysqld server
mysql.server restart
- Backup all databases
cd ~/fix-zimbra-innodb-crash
- Take the last chance to take a backup of
if you didn't do it so far. - If everything goes well, drop all existing databases
cd ~/fix-zimbra-innodb-crash
- If everything goes well, disable recover mode
- Remove / Comment out the innodb_force_recovery line from /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf
nano /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf
- Save the file and restart mysqld server
mysql.server restart
- Then, load all dumped databases
cd ~/fix-zimbra-innodb-crash
- Take a backup after everything works fine
- eg: for BTRFS file system, a quick and readonly snapshot may be useful
sudo btrfs sub snapshot -r /data /data/.snapshots/data-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M`-after-fixing-mysql-crash sudo btrfs sub show /data # verify