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Pat Maddox edited this page Jul 6, 2015 · 16 revisions

Exercepted from RubySteps: The Playbook

Why Games?

Because they're fun! Seriously. You don't work games, you play games. The more you play a game, the better you get at it. Simple as that.

Games have an objective. Unless you're playing competitively, it doesn't matter whether or not you meet the objective. You learn either way.

Do, or do not. Above all, try!

If meeting the objective doesn't matter, what does?

Produce Valuable Outcomes

Games produce interesting, valuable, unexpected outcomes. Consider the game of futbol. It has one objective: to score goals. After billions of people play it for millenia, you end up with pick-up matches, academies, leagues, rivalries, and the World Cup. That's not all:

The beautiful game, with one simple objective, will produce incredible outcomes for as long as people continue to play. Why?

ERGO™ Game Structure

Mike Bonifer's ERGO™ framework explains the four elements of game:

  • Environment
  • Roles
  • Guidelines
  • Objectives

Make a slight change to any of the elements, and you have a different game - which may produce radically different outcomes.

You may find it helpful to think of ERGO™ games as design patterns you can play.

Change the Game

The games in RubySteps: The Playbook use ERGO™. Rather than break the elements in to lists that make you think of each element independently, I have identified the key elements in bold throughout the text.

Play the games, and then change them. Treat each element as a variable, and make the games your own. Go, play!

More games you can play

Three rules of game:

  1. There is always a game.
  2. Game is infinite.
  3. There are infinite games.

As discussed, game produces infinite outcomes. Look through the 21-day-challenge code base to see all the outcomes that have already happened, because of one simple game.

Change the game, and you get new outcomes. You can change the game by changing the ERGO™ game structure, or by combining games. Find your game. If you want more games to play, here are some suggestions: