A playground to develop kano pixel kit apps using node.
Currently supports the following drawing primitives
- Pixel
- Rectangle
- Line
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Flood Fill
- Text
- Turtle Graphics
Before going any further note that there are a couple of command shortcuts for npm, check the package.json
scripts section.
Checkout code and install dependencies
git checkout git@github.com:RuiVarela/superpixelkit.git
cd superpixelkit
npm install
Pixel Kit has an internal RPC code that allows you to issue the same commands on usb or wifi,
but before you can use wifi, you need to setup it's credentials
You can connect to your device via usb and you should be able to setup your wifi credentials,
ensure you have the correct access righs to your usb device.
chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
node index.js list-devices
node index.js device-wifi /dev/ttyUSB0 HomeSweetHome WIFI_PASSWORD
The last command should get you the device ip
You can now setup the device name and run an app via command line
node index.js device-info
node index.js device-name Pixy
node index.js device-app Blink
Create a new file under the folder apps
let's say apps/hello.js
and create a base code similar to this
const SuperPixelApp = require('../superpixelapp');
class Hello extends SuperPixelApp {
constructor() {
super({ name: "Hello", delay: 100 });
step() {
let border = SuperPixelApp.rgbTo565(200, 0, 0);
let fill = SuperPixelApp.rgbTo565(0, 200, 0);
this.rectangle(0, 0, 3, 3, border);
this.rectangle(4, 4, 15, 7, border, fill);
SuperPixelApp.register(new Hello());
Reference the new app in superpixelapps.js
And now you can run it by issuing
node index.js device-app Hello
Super Pixel Kit apps can run from a webpage, this web page is located on the public
Make sure to have browserify
npm install -g browserify
Rebuild the js for the web runner
browserify -i serialport -i readline -g uglifyify index.web.js -o public/index.js
now you should be able to test the build launching the public\index.html
A demo version is available here
- Kano Pixel Kit communication was based on murilopolese work
- Js Bresenham's line algorithm implementation was based on www.javascriptteacher.com
- Circle and elipse algorithms were based on nashvail code
- Text Rendering based on Jared Sanson code