InceptionV3-Multi-layer GRU (Keras and TensorFlow)
- Python 3.6
- TensorFlow 1.13.1 (Install tensorflow-1.13.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl)
- Keras 2.2.4
- Joblib 1.0.1
- Matplotlib 3.3.4
- Open-cv 4.5.1
- Pandas 1.1.5
- Nltk 3.5
- Download Flickr30k dataset images and captions.
- Clone the Repository to preserve directory structure.
- For Flickr30k put results_20130124.token and Flickr30k images in flickr30k-images folder.
- Create pre-trained InceptionV3 TensorFlow graph by running:
- Generate features(features.npy) corresponding to the images in the dataset folder by running:
python --data_path Dataset/MSCOCO-images --inception_path ConvNets/InceptionV3_keras.pb
- Train the model by running:
python --mode train --caption_path ./Dataset/results_20130124.token --feature_path ./Dataset/features.npy --resume
- Save both encoder and decoder graphs by running:
python --mode test --image_path ANY_TEST_IMAGE.jpg/png --saveencoder --savedecoder
- Freeze encoder by running:
python utils/ --mode encoder --model_folder model/Encoder/
- Freeze decoder by running:
python utils/ --mode decoder --model_folder model/Decoder/
- Merge encoder and decoder by running:
python utils/ --encpb ./model/Trained_Graphs/encoder_frozen_model.pb --decpb ./model/Trained_Graphs/decoder_frozen_model.pb
- Generate idmap file by running:
python utils/
python --mode eval --image_path Dataset/val2017 --inception_path ConvNets/InceptionV3_keras.pb
32-bit floating-point trained model size: 207,167 KB
8-bit integers quantized model size: 52,711 KB
Performance metrics results of proposed Inception v3 + 3-layer GRU language model-based image captioning system on MS COCO dataset:
CIDEr | Bleu-4 | Bleu-3 | Bleu-2 | Bleu-1 | ROUGE-L | METEOR | SPICE |
0.0462 | 0.03738 | 0.0769 | 0.1818 | 0.3884 | 0.2971 | 0.0961 | 0.0228 |
- Python code-generated captions:
- Embedded model-generated captions on the application: