本家のラズパイRumiCarでこのROSのプログラムを使用する場合、RumiCarのFacebook groupでご相談ください。
RumiCar FacebookのURL:https://www.facebook.com/groups/rumicar
mkdir -p ~/rcar/src
cd ~/rcar/src
git clone --recursive <url>/RumiCarRos.git
Setup the robot micro SD card with Ubuntu 22 Server.
The driver uses gpiod
and sysfs
to control the motors with minimum CPU consumption. But in this case pigpio
should be turned off and maybe uninstalled.
sudo systemctl stop pigpiod
sudo systemctl disable pigpiod
sudo apt remove pigpiod
PWM for 13 and 18 pins should be enabled in /boot/firmware/config.txt
When packages are built (and uploaded), execute the following on the robot to start the driver:
. rcar/install/setup.bash
ros2 run rumi_driver rumi_driver
# or
ros2 launch rumicar original.launch
Please, check here.
This is an YouTube video for how this code works. -> ROS2でRumiCarを遠隔操作/Remote control RumiCar by ROS2