There are two logins :
1.Employee login
2.Admin login
Employee will have access to a common knowledge sharing portal where he can view the trending knowledge bytes.
He can access the knowledge bytes posted by the other employees.
He can publish a new knowledge byte when it is approved by the admin of the corresponding DPSU.
He also can save the knowledge bytes in drafts for further publishing.
He can view his own knowledge bytes in the profile page on the top right corner.
Admin will have access to the same portal as employee and an extra tab as well.
This extra tab is for resource sharing where the resources can be put up on auction by the admins of the DPSUs
and admins from other DPSUs can bid for that particular resource .
Before the commenced time ,the admin who bids the highest price will get access to that resource.
The admin can also create an auction on the idle resources (human/infrastructue).