This is a simple Currency Converter application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to convert amounts from one currency to another using real-time exchange rates. The application fetches the latest exchange rates using an external API and displays the conversion result.
The Currency Converter is an easy-to-use tool that lets users convert any amount from one currency to another using up-to-date exchange rates. The application has a simple interface, making it accessible and user-friendly.
- Converts currency amounts based on real-time exchange rates.
- User-friendly interface with dropdowns to select currencies.
- Displays flags of selected currencies for better visual identification.
- Provides instant conversion on form submission.
- Automatically updates flags based on currency selection.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Currency-Converter
- Open the
file in your browser to start using the converter.
- Enter the amount you wish to convert.
- Select the currencies from the "From" and "To" dropdown menus.
- Click the "Get Exchange Rate" button to see the conversion result.
- The exchange rate and converted amount will be displayed.
This project uses the Frankfurter API to fetch the latest exchange rates. The API provides real-time currency conversion data, making it easy to integrate into web applications.
: The main HTML file that structures the
: The CSS file that styles the webpage.script.js
: The JavaScript file that contains the logic for fetching exchange rates and updating the
: This JavaScript file contains a list of country codes and currency codes used in the application.
I learned how to create this Currency Converter application by following a tutorial on YouTube. You can watch the tutorial here.