Not to be confused with the
library for Russian-specific string utilities.
My collection of Python utility codes primarily designed for solving Kattis and Advent of Code (AoC) problems. It is intended to be as fast as possible, if not as short as possible. Feel free to use and customize them for your own use as you see fit.
Classification taken from cp-algorithms
The classic Eratosthenes prime sieve that runs in
$O(n\log\log n)$ time. Makes use of an array that stores the smallest prime factor. -
Applications of the prime sieve:
- prime factorization of
$n$ - number of divisors of
$n$ - Euler's totient function,
$\phi(n)$ .
Kattis problem(s) to try on: productdivisors, trickyfactoring
- prime factorization of
Checks if a number
$n$ is probable prime. Works well in tandem with Pollard-Rho for integer factorization. -
Finds a trivial factor of an integer
$n$ . Also includes Brent modification for faster version. Expected to run in$O(n^\frac{1}{4})$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: atrivialpursuit, bigfactoring, divisorsofasum, batchgcd
Counts the number of prime numbers up to
$n$ in$O(\sqrt{n})$ time. Also includes Meissel-Lehmer algorithm that runs in$O(n^\frac{2}{3})$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: primecount, frumtolutalning
Basic GCD and LCM.
Classic Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: chineseremainder, generalchineseremainder
Lucas' theorem, mainly used to compute a large binomial coefficient modulo some integer.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: ghostbusters3, lights, countingtrees, classicalcounting
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) used mainly for multiplying two polynomials, runs in
$O(n\log n)$ time, where$n$ is the polynomial degree.Kattis problem(s) to try on: polymul1, polymul2, fastfouriertransform, allmodulopythagorean, allpairsums
Computes the Möbius function and stores them in an array, runs in
$O(n\log\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: yule, coprimeintegers, anothercoinweighingpuzzle
$r^2 \equiv n \pmod p$ given an integer$n$ and prime number$p$ , then uses the solution$r$ to solve$x^2 + dy^2 = p$ .Kattis problem(s) to try on: gausssquares, allsquaresums
Simple implementation of circular linked list.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: congaline, interviewqueue
Four variants of sliding windows mentioned in CP Book (all run in
$O(n)$ time)- smallest subarray size whose sum is
>= K
- smallest subarray size where all numbers in range
are within max(sum(A[i:i+K]) for i in range(len(A)-K+1))
[min(A[i:i+K]) for i in range(len(A)-K+1)]
Kattis problem(s) to try on: slidecount, martiandna, treeshopping
- smallest subarray size whose sum is
Computes the next greater element for each element in an array. Runs in
$O(n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: whostheboss, flowingfountain
AVL tree implementation, including the self-rebalancing part. All queries are done in
$O(\log n)$ time, except inorder traversal that takes$O(n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: hiredhelp, gcpc, physicalmusic, distributingseats, excellentengineers
Classic Fenwick tree to answer range sum queries (RSQ). Both PURQ (point update, range query) and RURQ (range update, range query) versions are available. Updates and queries all run in
$O(\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: fenwick, supercomputer, taxtherich, hringvegurinn, tonlistarlisti
Binary-indexed tree but to answer range minimum/maximum queries (RMQ). Updates and queries all run in
$O(\log n)$ time. -
General recursive implementation of segment tree, which can be customized to handle different aggregate functions. Updates and queries all run in
$O(\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: stigavordur
Recursive implementation of the dynamic segment tree, which is currently optimized only for summation as aggregate. Updates and queries all run in
$O(\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: japaneselottery, queryonarray
Quick implementation of a treap data structure.
Incomplete implementation of the wavelet tree.
Sqrt-based data structure to support updates and sum queries in
$O(\sqrt{n})$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: modulodatastructures
Classic union-find disjoint set (UFDS), also known as disjoint set union (DSU). Equipped with rank heuristics and path-compression, making both merging/union and querying run in
$O(\alpha(n))$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: unionfind, reachableroads, skolavslutningen, busnumbers, tildes
0-1 Knapsack with given capacity and list of weights and values. Runs in
$O(nW)$ time where$n$ is the number of items and$W$ is the maximum capacity.Kattis problem(s) to try on: knapsack, muzicari, ninepacks, orders, networking
Convex hull optimization to optimize a specific
$O(n^2)$ DP problem into an$O(n\log n)$ one. Here, we assume that the queries and slopes are sorted, thus reducing the problem into a sliding window after sorting.Kattis problem(s) to try on: coveredwalkway
Dynamic convex hull optimization, also known as the line container, solves a more general problem where lines and queries are not necessarily given in sorted order. Due to list insertion and deletion being
$O(n)$ , each operation should run in$O(n)$ time instead of$O(\log n)$ , but should still be fast enough in most cases.Kattis problem(s) to try on: quintessentialbirthdaysurprise, yatp
Finds the LIS length and outputs any of them. Another variant counts the number of distinct LIS in an array of
$n$ numbers. Both functions run in$O(n\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: increasingsubsequence, longincsubseq, manhattanmornings, growingupishardtodo
Finds the TSP cost in a graph of
$n$ vertices and prints the TSP tour when needed. Both run in$O(n^2 2^n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: beepers, maximizingyourpay, stystiskogarleidangurinn, errands
Suffix array data structure alongside the longest common prefix (LCP) array for a string of length
$n$ . Suffix array construction runs in$O(n \log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: suffixsorting, burrowswheeler, dvaput, repeatedsubstrings
The Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm to find all matches of a string within the target string of length
$n$ . Runs in$O(n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: stringmatching, powerstrings, radiotransmission, clockpictures
The Aho-Corasick algorithm to find all matches of all query strings within the target string.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: stringmultimatching
Suffix array can also be used to find all matches of all query strings within the target string.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: stringmultimatching
Enumerates all palindromic substrings of a given string with length
$n$ in$O(n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: genefolding, palindromes
Booth's lexicographically minimum string rotation algorithm that runs in
$O(n)$ time where$n$ is the length of the string.Kattis problem(s) to try on: passwordrotation
Computes the Z-function where
z = [lcp(s, s[i:]) for i in range(len(s))]
Basic matrix (fast) exponentiation, determinant computation, and Kirchoff's tree theorem. The last two run in
$O(N^3)$ time where$N$ is the size of the (square) matrix.Kattis problem(s) to try on: statetransfer, numbers2, organising, unicycliccount
Converts a matrix
$A$ into its reduced row-echelon form (RREF). Very useful for Gaussian elimination.Kattis problem(s) to try on: circumsphere, stoichiometry, whiterabbit, equationsolver, equationsolverplus
Simplex algorithm for linear programming, supports both maximization and minimization.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: cheeseifyouplease, roadtimes
Binary search for both lower bound and upper bound. Function has to be monotonic. Runs in
$O(\log(b-a))$ time given two starting bounds$[a, b]$ .Kattis problem(s) to try on: financialplanning
Ternary search on both integer cases and double/float cases. Finds the minimum of a decreasing-then-increasing function. Runs in
$O(\log(b-a))$ time given two starting bounds$[a, b]$ .Kattis problem(s) to try on: reconnaissance, infiniteslides, tricktreat, euclideantsp, bottleflip
Area and centroid of a 2D-polygon consisting of
$n$ vertices. Runs in$O(n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: convexpolygonarea, polygonarea, greedypolygons2
Checks if a point is within a polygon using two different approaches: angle calculation and ray intersection.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: pointinpolygon
Line segment intersection.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: segmentintersection, target, carlsvacation
Closest pair problem. Given
$n$ 2D-coordinates, find the closest pair among all$O(n^2)$ possible pairs. Runs in$O(n\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: closestpair1, closestpair2
$n$ 2D-coordinates, compute its convex hull (smallest polygon that contains all points). Runs in$O(n\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: convexhull, convexhull2, humanobservation
Half-plane intersection. Given
$n$ half-planes in 2D, find the polygon that is contained within all the half-planes.Kattis problem(s) to try on: marshlandrescues, bigbrother
Compute the Minkowski sum of two convex polygons. In mathematical terms,
${a+b \forall a \in A, b \in B}$ for two convex polygons$A$ and$B$ . Runs in$O(|A|+|B|)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: geometryisfun, takeonmeme
Solves different simple queries in 3D coordinate system:
- point-to-segment projection
- point-to-plane projection
- point-line distance
- point-plane distance
- line-plane intersection
$n$ 3D-coordinates where no four points lie on the same plane, compute its convex hull (smallest polyhedron that contains all points). Runs in$O(n^2)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: worminapple
Smallest circle/sphere (2D/3D) that covers all the given points. Outputs the center and the radius.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: starsinacan
Basic implementation of an adjacency list as a list of lists/dictionaries.
Simple BFS implementation. Runs in
$O(V+E)$ time. -
Simple iterative DFS implementation using stacks (because recursion is slow in Python). Runs in
$O(V+E)$ time.
Tarjan's algorithm to find bridges and cut vertices. Runs in
$O(V+E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: birthday, caveexploration
Topological sorting using Kahn's algorithm or using the DFS approach. Runs in
$O(V+E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: namsleid, rodun, brexitnegotiations, pachinkoprobability
Extension of DFS topological sorting, Kosaraju's algorithm, to enumerate the strongly connected components (SCC). Runs in
$O(V+E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: dominos, equivalences
Prim's algorithm to compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) and its cost. Both sparse graph and dense graph variants are available. Former runs in
$O(E\log V)$ time, but latter runs in$O(V^2)$ .Kattis problem(s) to try on: minimumspanningtree, freckles, lostmap, naturereserve
Kruskal's algorithm to compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) and its cost using UFDS. Runs in
$O(E\log E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: minimumspanningtree, freckles, lostmap, treehouses, gridmst
Single-source shortest path (SSSP) using Bellman-Ford's algorithm, which also includes negative cycle detection. Runs in
$O(VE)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: shortestpath3, shortestpath4, hauntedgraveyard
Single-source shortest path (SSSP) using modified Dijkstra's algorithm. Runs in
$O(E\log E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: shortestpath1, shortestpath2, getshorty, fendofftitan, invasion, xentopia, hopscotch50, visualgo, catchingnoodles
All-pairs shortest path (APSP) using Floyd-Warshall's algorithm. Runs in
$O(V^3)$ time. Different variants are also available.- minimax/maximin (useful for min/maximum spanning trees)
- transitive closure
- +ve/-ve cycle detection
- enumerate shortest path from anywhere to anywhere
Kattis problem(s) to try on: allpairspath, arbitrage, speedyescape, assembly
Tarjan's algorithm to compute the LCA of some query pair of vertices on a tree rooted at vertex
$0$ . Runs in$O(V+Q)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: rootedsubtrees, treehopping, tourists, easyascab
Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm to compute the maximum flow of a graph. Runs in
$O(Ef)$ time, where$f$ is the maximum flow itself.Kattis problem(s) to try on: conveyorbelts
Dinic's algorithm to compute the maximum flow of a graph. Runs in
$O(V^2E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: maxflow, mincut, waif, avoidingtheapocalypse, gravamen
Two different approaches to compute the minimum cost maximum flow of a graph, including the shortest-path fast algorithm (SPFA). Maximize flow, then among all solutions of that same flow, find the minimum cost.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: mincostmaxflow, ragingriver, tourist, catering, aqueducts,
Minimum cardinality bipartite matching (MCBM) on an unweighted bipartite graph using augmenting paths. Also known as the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm, which runs in
$O(\sqrt{V}E)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: pianolessons, catvsdog, bioferd, talltowers, bookclub, bookcircle, gopher2, codenames, superdoku, linije, elementarymath, taxicab, guardianofdecency, paintball, antennaplacement, borders, escapeplan, latinsquare
Minimum (cost and) cardinality bipartite matching (MCBM) on a weighted bipartite graph using the Hungarian algorithm. Also known as the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, which runs in
$O(V^3)$ time. Rows are a single partition, then columns for the other partition.Kattis problem(s) to try on: hungarianservices, bond, cheatingatwar, hexagon
Minimum cardinality matching on general unweighted graphs using Edmond's blossom algorithm. Runs in
$O(EV^2)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: translatorsdinner, debellatio
Minimum cost matching on general weighted graphs using DP and bitmask. Runs in
$O(V2^V)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: hidingchickens
Check for 2-satisfiability of conjunctive normal forms (CNF). On top of checking if it's satisfiable, also finds such boolean assignment if any. Makes use of Kosaraju's algorithm.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: palindromicdna
Shortest circuit on a weighted undirected graph that visits every edge at least once (as opposed to TSP that requires visiting every vertex other than starting node exactly once). Makes use of Floyd-Warshall's APSP algorithm.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: joggingtrails
Prints the Eulerian circuit given a directed Eulerian graph (visits every edge exactly once).
Kattis problem(s) to try on: eulerianpath
You can use Hopcroft Karp's algorithm to find the minimum number of paths needed to cover the edges of a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
Finds the maximum number such that exists a complete subgraph (clique) consisting of this many vertices using Bron-Kerbosch's algorithm, which is supposes to run in
$O(3^\frac{V}{3})$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: maxclique, letterballoons
Minimum number of vertices needed to cover all edges of the graph using Kőnig's theorem.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: bilateral
Minimum number of cliques needed to cover the entire graph, simply using the plain old backtracking.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: busplanning, committeeassignment
Just a grid template.
Simulation of the well-known Conway's game of life.
Advent of Code's signature esoteric language to "annoy" whoever is attempting AoC 2019.
Backtracking with optimized prunings to solve cryptarithm.
Kattis problem(s) to try on: greatswercporto, sendmoremoney
Computes the number of pairs on an array with switched orders, also interpretable as the number of swaps needed when performing bubble sort on the array of size
$n$ . Runs in$O(n\log n)$ time.Kattis problem(s) to try on: excursion, ultraquicksort, froshweek, bread, bilskurar, camels, vudu
Sprague-Grundy theorem to find the Grundy value of a game state using minimum excluded value (MEX).
Kattis problem(s) to try on: snim, cuboidslicinggame, wheelgame