- In MongoDB, migrations refer to processes used to modify the structure or format of data in your database.
- This is the forward migration that applies changes to the database to achieve a desired state.
- Examples include adding new fields, creating indexes, renaming collections, or transforming data.
- It’s typically used to implement new features or adapt to updated application requirements.
- This is the rollback migration that undoes the changes made by the up migration.
- Examples include removing fields, reverting indexes, or restoring data to its original format.
- It’s useful for reverting the database to its previous state if something goes wrong.
- BackEnd : NodeJS, Express
- Database : Mongodb
- NPM Package : migrate-mongo
Clone and navigate to this project directory
Install the dependencies
npm install
Create sample env file and change configuration according to your need in ".env" file and create Database
Run the node/express server
npm run start
Open the url
in browser for seeing the result -
Initialize Migrations:
migrate-mongo init
Create a Migration File:
migrate-mongo create add-new-field
Edit the Migration File: Open the migration file and define the up and down operations.
Run the up Migration:
npx migrate-mongo up
Rollback (Run the down Migration):
npx migrate-mongo down