Project title: Which are the states that have the most financial complaints each year?
This project is conducted by Ruxue Peng, Columbia UNI: rp2815
Project summary:
I approach the question by visualizing the dataset provided by data.gov, the Consumer Complaint Database. I cleaned the data, format the data and feed it to a new package I've found, called "rMaps". I used it to create a interactive choropleth map that allows user to look at the state by state count of financial complaints of each year(from 2011 to 2017).
To reproduce the result:
Main result can be reproduced from the rmaps.Rmd file in the lib forder.
Before you start, please clone/download this entire project folder and set R/Rstudio working directory at the Data folder of this project
Further Learning Materials:
Choropleth map
Thanks you for reading this little data story:)