Clone (native app for mobile) of airbnb app build with ionic with angular js framework.
npm install -g ionic
ionic start
run ionic serve [which run ng serve behind the scene]
Angular Essentials
ionic generate [gererate page or services or etc...]
ionic gererate page recipes
ionic generate page recipes/recipe-detail
ionic generate service recipes/recipes
ionic generate component recipes/recipe-item
Capacitor - Check docs for step's
Android Studio / Xcode [Download Setup] as build tool
ionic capacitor add android/ios [run this after finish Android Studio and Tools] in project directory
- ng build [if capacitor gives error] [do this before you turn your web app to mobile] **use native cmd for ng build or it might hang your IDE**
Change Capacitor.config.json
"appId": "com.pure.recipe.ionic", // this must be change
"appName": "pure_app",
"bundledWebRuntime": false,
"webDir": "www"
ionic capacitor copy android [will copy your www folder to android native app]
ionic capacitor run android [all in one which run all above cmd line by line]
ionic capacitor run android -l [all in one which run all above cmd line by line in the Live Mode]
ionic capacitor run ios [all in one which run all above cmd line by line]
ionic capacitor run ios -l [all in one which run all above cmd line by line in the Live Mode]
ionic generate page auth
ionic generate page places
ionic generate page places/discover
ionic generate page places/offers
ionic generate page places/offers/new-offer
ionic generate page places/offers/edit-offer
ionic generate page places/discover/place-detail
ionic generate page places/offers/offer-bookings
ionic generate page bookings
ionic generate service places/places
ionic generate service auth/auth
ionic generate guard auth/auth
ionic generate component bookings/create-booking-model
ionic generate component places/offers/offer-item
ionic generate component map/map-box
ionic gererate service map/map
ionic generate component shared/pickers/location-picker
ionic generate component shared/map-modal
ionic generate component shared/pickers/image-picker
Create an app
Go to Database Tab
Start Real Time Database
Use that API Base URL for Http Request
Check for App Permission withen respective native app folder/directory [check capacitor docs]
- android
- Android.manifest.xml
npm install --save @ionic/pwa-elements
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init
root of the project
project name
Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? (y/N) : N
Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? : Yes
it will give you a brand new folder with index.js
check for
project id
in the firebase console and replace project id in index.js file code
add some addition dependency to package.json of cloud function folder
now navigate to the function folder and re run
npm install
now back to root of the project and run
firebase deploy
check function tab in firebase console there must be an EndPoint for image upload
Enable Authentication on Firebase Control Panel
Database rules
"rules": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null",
"bookings": {
".indexOn": ["userId"]
Storage rules
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
Run After all changes firebase deploy