Note: These languages are only metrics of the languages based on their commit volume.

Note: These languages are only metrics of the languages based on their commit volume.
RAG chatbot in Amazon Bedrock using S3/Web Crawler, Knowledge Base, and OpenSearch Serverless, providing accurate and up-to-date responses even if the required information is the latest or unavaila…
Modern web portfolio built with React, Vite, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, animated by Framer Motion.
TypeScript 2
Modern music streaming web application inspired by Spotify, built with React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS.
AI-powered image replication web tool, built with Flask, Python, NumPy, and genetic algorithms.
A food delivery mobile app for Android OS, built and designed using Java, XML, and Android Studio to enhance user shopping experience.
Network infrastructure architecture for campus employed the distance-vector RIP, etc., designed on Cisco Packet Tracer, showcasing my strong knowledge in networking.