SCANsat Development Version 17.4
Known bugs:
- Some UI sychronization errors
- Changes in some settings will require toggling a window off and on again before taking effect
Not a bug:
- Existing settings will mostly be reset (scanning data is maintained)
- Reverting to SCANsat v16.x or earlier will result in loss of scanning data
Change Log:
Implement MechJeb landing guidance integration
- Set MechJeb landing target using the waypoint selection function
- Limited ability to load landing targets
Implement biome map legend
Implement map legend tooltips
- Shows terrain altitude or biome info for current mouse position over legend
Add more map generation speed controls
- Three levels available
- Effect differs depending on map type
Fix error with zoom map legend
Fix bugs related to planetary overlay maps
Fix bug when refreshing zoom map and locked to the current vessel
Various minor fixes