Official Repository for the InvArch platform 💡 Built on Substrate
InvArch is the world's first truly composable IP ownership, utility, & cross-chain authentication (XCA) protocol.
InvArch features the INV4 (Invention, Involvement, Inventory, Investment) Standard for minting authenticated & interoperable files or NFTs as IP Files (IPFs), truly composable IP Sets, IP Replicas (IPRs), Bridged IP (BIPs), Wrapped IP (WIPs), & pegged IP Tokens (IPTs) featuring multi-purpose & multi-level utility to Web 3.0.
InvArch also introduces the Cross-Chain Authentication (XCA) Protocol, featuring Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM) to index, cross-reference, & certify IP asset authenticity across Web3 using various hashing methods & rounding algorithms.
Term | Abbreviation(s) | Description |
Intellectual Property File | IP File, IPF | Intellectual Property (IP) stored as non-fungible & authenticated files |
Intellectual Property Set | IP Set | Root collections of bonded & interchangeable IP Files and/or Subsets |
Intellectual Property Subset | IP Subset, Subset | Child collections of bonded & interchangeable IP Files and/or additional IP Subsets |
Intellectual Property Replica | IP Replica, IPR | Authorized clones, or forks, of IP Sets, Subsets, and/or Files |
Bridged Intellectual Property | Bridged IP, BIP | EVM or other outer-consensus-native NFTs bridged to the INV4 standard as IP Files |
Bonded Intellectual Property | Bonded IP | Two (2) or more bonded IP Files, Subsets, and/or Sets representating a new single IP Set and/or Subset |
Intellectual Property Tokens | IP Tokens, IPTs | Fungible & programmable tokens that are pegged to an IP Set and/or Subset |
Intellectual Property Sub-Tokens | Sub-IPTs | Multi-leveled or tiered IP Tokens representing distinctive functionality from each other |
Smart Intellectual Property | SmartIP | IP Sets that own themselves or are decentrally owned, and trustlessly execute functions within their IP Files and/or Subsets |
Intellectual Property Virtual Machine | IPVM | A distributed state machine & trustless environment for executing SmartIP contracts and maintaining canonical state |
- W.I.P.Pallet_IPF
- W.I.P.Pallet_IPR
- W.I.P.Pallet_BridgeIP
- W.I.P.Pallet_BondIP
- W.I.P.Pallet_IPSynth
- W.I.P.Pallet_IPT
- W.I.P.Pallet_MultiSig
- W.I.P.Pallet_IPVM
- W.I.P.
- W.I.P.Pallet_DisputeXCA
- W.I.P.
I'm really glad you're reading this, because we need volunteer developers to help this idea become a reality!
If you haven't already, come find us on the #InvArch Discord. We want you working on things you're excited about!
Please send a GitHub Pull Request to InvArch with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests). Please make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).
Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Thank you,
Dakota Barnett, Founder
Substrate Node Template