REST API for person and project membership management. First ever .NET implementation.
- Run the project
- Create new user to the /user endpoint
- Include authorization header with Basic Authentication (Base64 encoded string including username:password)
- Now you can use routes which need more permissions such as /project /member
- ASP.Net
- Entity Framework
- SQL Server as Database
- Serilog
- REST API Service with Basic Authentication
- This will be done with Authorization Header which includes username and password in Base64 Format.
- /user endpoint
- /project endpoint
- Authorization is reguired with Authorization Header (Base64 encoded string with the contents of username:password)
- /member endpoint
- Authorization is reguired with Authorization Header (Base64 encoded string with the contents of username:password)
There should be already one user to test with. Username is: Testi and Password: 12345.
Base64 Encoded string for Authorization should be: VGVzdGk6MTIzNDU=
Use Authorization header: Basic VGVzdGk6MTIzNDU= in your requests to access restricted parts of the API.
Check the API Documentation from the Swagger file, due to rush i haven't published it.
Listed endpoints
Project is Deployed to the Azure Cloud ( Azure App Service, Azure SQL )