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@1084565 1084565 released this 09 May 09:08
· 4615 commits to master since this release

List of closed pull-requests since last release
#60: add new step testResultPublish
#93: Validate neo home inside neoDeploy
#94: Validating mta jar inside mtaBuild
#95: java home validation inside neoDeploy
#99: refactor step toolValidate to a utils class
#101: [refactoring] resolve data inside merge
#105: Pr/docu update
#106: Deploy mkdocs when merging to master
#107: the merge
#108: push project version
#109: add rules for step and env loading
#110: use new rules
#111: Use UTC time zone for artifact version time stamp
#112: Make commit of new version optional in artifactSetVersion step
#113: travis deploy site
#114: Use executeMaven step for artifact versioning
#116: introduce piper api
#117: remove null value from configuration merge
#118: Enable docu build for PR again.
#119: add new configuration documentation
#121: Disable tool validation inside neoDeploy and mtaBuild
#122: change configuration loading
#123: Improve Docker options configuration and forward from mavenExecute
#124: generate mta.yml from package.json and given applicationName
#126: Fix the syntax error in artifactSetVersion step
#127: Fix the syntax error in artifactSetVersion step
#128: Fix referencing script in setVersion
#129: bugfix: mtaJar includes java call
#130: Fix merging if no default values exist
#131: add mtaJarName to make 'mta.jar' configurable
#132: add extension to mtaBuild
#133: Fix wrong package declaration
#134: Annotate docker plugin check as non cps
#135: Add configuration support for postActions
#136: Pr/use groovy in increase readability
#138: add ToolDescriptorTest
#140: refactor validateTool on ToolValidateDescriptor
#145: Explicitly state return types fixes #144

List of closed issues since last release
#73: Allow providing mta jar file instead of hard coding it
#74: Allow providing mta extension file path during mtaBuild
#102: Take executable path into account when performing tool validation
#120: neoDeploy issue
#125: Syntax error in artifactSetVersion
#144: Explicitly type returns of ConfigurationLoader and ConfigurationMerger?
