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@1084565 1084565 released this 08 Jun 06:47
· 4586 commits to master since this release

List of closed pull-requests since last release
#52: InfluxDB support
#65: Step for automatic versioning
#93: Validate neo home inside neoDeploy
#94: Validating mta jar inside mtaBuild
#95: java home validation inside neoDeploy
#100: remove fetchUrl Step
#101: [refactoring] resolve data inside merge
#103: remove duplicate class
#107: the merge
#108: push project version
#116: introduce piper api
#118: Enable docu build for PR again.
#121: Disable tool validation inside neoDeploy and mtaBuild
#142: Add multiple versions verification
#143: compatibility code for new feature
#146: GitUtils: avoid duplicate shell code
#147: Check if inside git repo via rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree
#148: GitUtils: Extract lines matching a pattern from a set of commits
#154: general default section mixed in automatically.
#155: add steps for file stashing
#157: pipelineStashFiles - cleanup & documentation
#159: Disable download logs in Maven by default
#160: speed up tests

List of closed issues since last release
#158: Proposal: Disable download progress in Maven log
