Holds stocks with price targets above a set threshold. Rebalances weekly at market open.
The program will rebalance every Monday morning. This can be changed with schedule.every().monday.at("09:15").do(rebalance_task)
in main.py
(see python scheduler). The rebalance function will wait for the market to open before entering positions the function can be run early to fetch price targets.
Price target data is being pulled from IEXCloud.
GET /stock/{symbol}/price-target
"symbol": "AAPL",
"updatedDate": "2019-01-30",
"priceTargetAverage": 178.59,
"priceTargetHigh": 245,
"priceTargetLow": 140,
"numberOfAnalysts": 34,
"currency": "USD"
This request requires at least a launch account ($20/month) with IEXCloud. Similar data can be found at finnhub.io for free, however, I found the IEXCloud data to be more up to date.
Alpaca was chosen as the broker as they are easy to work with and you can open up a paper account without account verification.
2020-11-16 to ? Benchmark: SPY 360.60
The config will be loaded as env variables. The IEXCloud and Alpaca SDK will see these variables and use them. Update config.json
with your keys and change the endpoints if you want to move from paper trading to live. Also, set PRICE_TARGET_THRES
(how far the average price target is from the current price) and MAX_HOLD
(the maximum number of positions you can have) to your desired behaviour. The price targets will be sorted and the top n=MAX_HOLD will be taken. There can be less than MAX_HOLD if not enough stocks reach the desired threshold.
"IEX_TOKEN": "iex_key",
"IEX_API": "https://cloud.iexapis.com/v1/",
"APCA_API_BASE_URL": "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets",
"APCA_API_KEY_ID": "alpaca_key",
"APCA_API_SECRET_KEY": "alpaca_secret",
"MAX_HOLD": 20
86 SBUX - 100.82 target: 97.6 -> -3.19%
87 SNPS - 238.435 target: 263.43 -> 10.48%
88 TMUS - 132.535 target: 148.75 -> 12.23%
89 TTWO - 184.86 target: 191.08 -> 3.36%
90 TSLA - 627.56 target: 375.66 -> -40.14%
91 TXN - 165.91 target: 158.11 -> -4.70%
92 TCOM - 33.905 target: 34.1669248 -> 0.77%
93 ULTA - 271.36 target: 284.42 -> 4.81%
94 VRSN - 205.9 target: 240.58 -> 16.84%
95 VRSK - 194.12 target: 206.53 -> 6.39%
96 VRTX - 226.255 target: 288.44 -> 27.48%
97 WBA - 41.86 target: 39.83 -> -4.85%
98 WDAY - 227.405 target: 247.97 -> 9.04%
waiting for market open
market open
entering 10 new positions
Closing all positions and rebalancing
Requires Python >= 3.7