The LUP4LDN project.
The project requires PHP 7.4/8.0 as well as Composer to be installed.
cd scio-lup4ldn-backend && composer install
export WWWGROUP=${WWWGROUP:-$(id -g)}
cd docker
docker build -t sail-8.0/app . --build-arg WWWGROUP=$WWWGROUP --platform linux/amd64
NOTE: The custom docker image includes the scheduler for running Laravel scheduled tasks. NOTE: The custom docker image includes the workers for running Laravel jobs using the listen command so that they always get updated to use the latest code changes. NOTE: The custom docker image is only meant to be used in development environments.
cp .env.example .env
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
./vendor/bin/sail down
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
./vendor/bin/sail jwt:secret
To destroy the existing database and start fresh:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh
To seed the database with test data:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
NOTE: In order to be able to seed the data, you need to modify your .env file and set your application environment to the following APP_ENV=local
or APP_ENV=development
To link the storage for files:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan storage:link
NOTE: The storage for files should be linked in order for the backend to be able to serve files publicly.
To change the queue driver to redis, add the following settings:
To set the cache configuration you need to change the following settings:
The default cache TTL of all the values is 1hr. The max cache recommended TTL is 12hr.
To set the configuration for the third-party services (like SCiO or other):
To execute the test suites run:
php artisan test
If you add a dependency, _ide_helper.php
will be auto-regenerated. If you change a model definition please run:
php artisan ide-helper:models
and type no
to update the model autocompletion file (_ide_helper_models.php