This repository contains codebase to apply vision transformers on surface data. This is the official PyTorch implementation of Surface Vision Transformers: Attention-Based Modelling applied to Cortical Analysis, presented at the MIDL 2022 conference.
Here, Surface Vision Transformer (SiT) is applied on cortical data for phenotype predictions.
- testing file and config
- installation guidelines
- data access
Initial commits:
- training script
- config files training
For PyTorch and dependencies installation with conda, please follow instructions in
Coming soon
For docker support, please follow instructions in
Data used for the task of scan age prediction comes from the dHCP dataset.
Neonatal data can be downloaded from the dHCP website.
Instructions for processing MRI scans to extract cortical metrics can be found in Surface Vision Transformers: Attention-Based Modelling applied to Cortical Analysis and references cited in.
Otherwise, cortical surface metric already processed (as used in the SiT paper) are also available.
To access the data please:
- Sign in here
- Sign the dHCP open access agreement
- Forward the confirmation email to
Connectome Workbench is a free software for visualising neuroimaging data and can be used for visualising cortical metrics on surfaces. Downloads and instructions here.
- Create a template 6th-order icosphere (40962) using:
wb_command -surface-create-sphere 40962 <sphere-out>
- Resample your cortical data using from your surface template this surface ico-6 template.
wb_command -metric-resample <metric-in> <current-sphere> <new-sphere> BARYCENTRIC <metric-out>
- Extract patches using the vertices indices provided in triangle_indices.csv.
For training a SiT model, use the following command:
python ../config/SiT/training/hparams.yml
Where all hyperparameters for training and model design models are to be set in the yaml file hparams.yml, such as:
- Training strategy: from scratch, ImageNet or SSL weights
- Optimisation
- Patching configuration
- Logging
For testing a SiT model, please put the path of the SiT weights in /testing/hparams.yml and use the following command:
python ../config/SiT/training/hparams.yml
Coming soon
This codebase uses the vision transformer implementation from
lucidrains/vit-pytorch and the pre-trained ViT models from the timm librairy.
Please cite these works if you found it useful:
Surface Vision Transformers: Attention-Based Modelling applied to Cortical Analysis
title={Surface Vision Transformers: Attention-Based Modelling applied to Cortical Analysis},
author={Dahan, Simon and Fawaz, Abdulah and Williams, Logan ZJ and Yang, Chunhui and Coalson, Timothy S and Glasser, Matthew F and Edwards, A David and Rueckert, Daniel and Robinson, Emma C},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.16414},
Surface Vision Transformers: Flexible Attention-Based Modelling of Biomedical Surfaces
title={Surface Vision Transformers: Flexible Attention-Based Modelling of Biomedical Surfaces},
author={Dahan, Simon and Xu, Hao and Williams, Logan ZJ and Fawaz, Abdulah and Yang, Chunhui and Coalson, Timothy S and Williams, Michelle C and Newby, David E and Edwards, A David and Glasser, Matthew F and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03408},