SDWebImage Documentation
This repository hosts the in source documentation for SDWebImage and its related projects. You can view this at
The documentation is auto-generated using DocC.
See more:
The Swift-DocC merge tool need Swift 5.10+, which is bundled in Xcode 15.2.0+
To build Static Hosting Documentation, which is the new feature talked in SwiftForum
you need to pass --transform-for-static-hosting
to docc command. However it's not available in Xcode's handy build settings, so you need to pass extra options during xcodebuild
You can find a Configs/Docc.xcconfig
under this repo root path:
OTHER_DOCC_FLAGS= --transform-for-static-hosting
run with Xcodebuild:
xcodebuild build -sdk iphoneos -scheme SDWebImage -configuration Release -destination generic/platform=iOS -xcconfig Docc.xcconfig
After building, you will found something like SDWebImage.doccarchive
in the build log (actually, the BUILD_DIR
under Xcode DerivedData path)
Then, repeat until all of frameworks doccarchive built.
Merge them into single one
xcrun docc merge SDWebImage.doccarchive SDWebImageSwiftUI.doccarchive XXX.doccarchive -o Output.doccarchive
After the Output.doccarchive
generated, copy and override all the contents of Output.doccarchive
to this repo's root path
cp -R Output.doccarchive/* $current_repo_path/
Then, git reset the index.html
under repo's root path (this is our home page, see below)
git reset HEAD index.html
We has some markdown written home page, but it requires to sync the CSS/JS resources from the docc tools.
If you upgrade the toolchain, or change anything for that
markdown, you need to re-generate the index.html
following the steps:
xcrun docc convert --fallback-display-name Documentation --fallback-bundle-identifier com.dailymodtion.documentation --fallback-bundle-version 1 --output-dir Home.doccarchive Home.docc
- Preview at
and using Chrome to renderinglocalhost://8000/documentation/home
- Copy all the rendered HTML and override this repo root patg
file - Remove all the
label inside HTML (or addedtype="application/json"
to script tag to disable its function) - Preview and check the home page render correctly, see blow
Launch the simple HTTP Server locally and see on Chrome/Safari browser.
python3 -m http.server
Then use browser to open localhost:8000
1. SwiftDocC does not support multiple documentations hosting on the same site.
I modify the original generated js files, and let that `index.json` support the framework namespace structure. See `patches/`.
See related feature request here: [Support DocC references to symbols defined in another module](
2. SwiftDocC does not support cross-module reference symbol, unlike Apple's own documentation, like reference `Foundation.Data` symbol from `UIKit.UIImage`
I check the generated js files, though we can merge the final `index.json` in to the large one. However, the `data/${module}.json` contains only the symbol USR for current module, when DocC generate for current module, it does not keep the outer symbol USR, so it can not reference from each other.
The documentation is auto-generated using Jazzy.
[sudo] gem install jazzy
This documentation page now hosting both Core repo and other related framework's documentation. To modify the contents, just using the Markdown format and using jazzy to generate the HTML representation. Or directly modify the index.html
- Clone both SDWebImage, jazzy-theme and this repo
- Place them in the same folder
- Go the SDWebImage folder
- Run the following command, remember to change the version string:
jazzy \
--objc \
--author SDWebImage \
--github_url \
--github-file-prefix \
--module-version 5.9.0 \
--umbrella-header WebImage/SDWebImage.h \
--documentation=Docs/\*.md \
--undocumented-text "" \
--module SDWebImage \
--framework-root . \
--sdk iphonesimulator \
--output ../ \
--theme ../jazzy-theme/themes/apple
SDWebImage now contains many related project, like the Coder Plugins repo, the SwiftUI repo SDWebImageSwiftUI.
You should place the generated documentation output folder, inside the sub-directory of this repo.
For Swift project, take SDWebImageSwiftUI for example:
jazzy \
--author SDWebImageSwiftUI \
--github_url \
--github-file-prefix \
--module-version 1.5.0 \
--undocumented-text "" \
--module SDWebImageSwiftUI \
--framework-root . \
--sdk iphonesimulator \
--output ../ \
--theme ../jazzy-theme/themes/apple
For Objective-C project, it's a little trick that you have to fake an umbrella header, make the include header search path, the same as folder structure. Take SDWebImagePhotosPlugin for example:
Move the SDWebImagePhotosPlugin/Module/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin.h
-> SDWebImagePhotosPlugin/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin.h
. Then modify all the include form, from this:
#import <SDWebImagePhotosPlugin/NSURL+SDWebImagePhotosPlugin.h>
to this:
#import "Classes/NSURL+SDWebImagePhotosPlugin.h"
// And, if there are no `#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>`, add this as well
Finally, use jazzy to generate the documentation:
jazzy \
--objc \
--author SDWebImagePhotosPlugin \
--github_url \
--github-file-prefix \
--module-version 0.4.0 \
--umbrella-header SDWebImagePhotosPlugin/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin.h \
--undocumented-text "" \
--module SDWebImagePhotosPlugin \
--framework-root . \
--sdk iphonesimulator \
--output ../ \
--theme ../jazzy-theme/themes/apple