Welcome to Twitter-Clone!
Twitter-Clone is a back-end based project aimed at reverse-engineering the popular social media platform "Twitter" and some of its features. Users can create a profile, log into that profile and start using our platform! Users can also post tweets that other site-members can view and interact with.
Technologies Used: Mongoose | MongoDB | Express | Ejs | NodeJS | CSS
Getting Started:
Click on this link to launch the application: https://twitter-clone-321.herokuapp.com/home
You will be prompted to log in with your account
- If you dont have an account, click register to create an account with an email, username, and password
- your email will be safely stored in a database and your password will be encrypted
Once you are logged in you will see the main twitter feed with all of the other users tweets
Users can scroll down and explore what people are saying
Users can also post tweets to the feed by typing into the main text box at the top of the page and clicking the blue 'tweet' button
-Users can also add images to their tweets below the text box
From the home page, Users can click directly on a tweet to display it and comment on it anonymously
To return to the home page, click the home button on the side-bar
From the home page, Users can click on the profile button to display their own profile and edit the username and/or profile picture.
Once you are done using Twitter-Clone, click logout in the upper right corner and your session will end
Next Steps / IceBox Items:
Implement an option for users to like tweets and store them in a liked section of the app
Allow users to delete tweets, and delete their profile from the client-side
Allow users to retweet tweets and display them at the top of the page.
Connect the twitter API to recieve live tweets in real-time