is an assembler developed to recover complete genome from ultra-high coverage samples
The repository is a work in progress and the assembler is not functional yet. Thanks for your interest and come back soon!
requires the following to be installed:
- python >= 3.6
- SPAdes
# paired-end reads, Illumina MiSeq
capture assemble -f reads_R1.fastq.gz -r reads_R2.fastq.gz \
--genome_size 35000 --mean 300 -o output_dir
# compressed paired-end reads, Illumina HiSeq
capture assemble -f reads_R1.fastq.gz -r reads_R2.fastq.gz \
--genome_size 35000 --mean 125 -o output_dir
# single end reads, Ion Torrent
capture assemble -u reads.fastq.gz \
--genome_size 35000 --mean 240 -o output_dir
# reads in bam format
capture assemble --bam reads.bam \
--genome_size 35000 --mean 240 -o output_dir
# full list of subcommands and options
capture -h
# full list of options for a subcommand
capture assemble -h
Code is under the MIT license
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