This Project aims to develop a TCP based chatapp using TCP and Swing in Java
The Project is developed during Semester 5 (Winter 2023) of Diploma in Computer Engineering but build script and git initialization done on 25/12/2024
This architecture demonstrates how each thread at server will receive message from client and will send messages to client.
This project requires following dependencies in order to run project on your system.
- Java 1.2
To Build or Run this project you can follow these steps:
You can build project for windows by using commands:
cd windows # or `cd linux` for linux
this will create folder windows/build
where all compiled classes are
After Compilation to Run Server use following command
./runServer MYSQL_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS MYSQL_UNAME MYSQL_PWD 61109 # or port you want
After running server successfully try instantiating a client
./newClient 61109 SERVER_IP_ADDRESS # the port where server is listening
Now You'll see a Window for chat app You can create as many clients you want
Instead of dealing with those multiple scripts you can use play script which is interactive script to create as many clients as you want.
cd linux
./play MYSQL_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS MYSQL_UNAME MYSQL_PWD 61109 # or the port you want
This will print output something like
Server running on port 61109
Enter input (type 'q' to quit or 'n' instantiate a client): n
Enter input (type 'q' to quit or 'n' instantiate a client):
No input provided. Try again.
Enter input (type 'q' to quit or 'n' instantiate a client): q
Exiting the program.
It'll run server for you and you can instantiate client by using n
as input.