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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 30, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Actions Status: Java CI with Gradle and CD with ssh


Swagger Docs: HERE

Pourrfot-CAS: HERE

Summary: How to get token

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "clientId": "pourrfot-web",
    "grantType": "PASSWORD",
    "password": "admin",
    "username": "admin"

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "clientId": "pourrfot-web",
    "grantType": "PASSWORD",
    "password": "teacher",
    "username": "teacher"

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "clientId": "pourrfot-web",
    "grantType": "PASSWORD",
    "password": "student",
    "username": "student"


Main Dependencies

  • org.springframework.boot
  • org.projectlombok:lombok
  • org.flywaydb:flyway-core
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web
  • io.springfox:springfox-boot-starter
  • com.baomidou:mybatis-plus-boot-starter


For more official docs, please read this.

Dev Environment

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 (Ultimate Edition)
  • adopt-openjdk 11 hotspot (version 11.0.10)
  • MySQL 8.0.X
  • Flyway 7.7.X
  • Docker

I suggest you to install this IDEA plugin for Spring development.

If you haven't Docker, you can't run tests with org.testcontainers:mysql locally.

Development Rules

  • Never commit sensitive information, local information to Git

For example, do not update the application.yaml in the main/resources or test/resources directory, or add the flayway.conf (it's git-ignored) to Git only for your local requirement. You can add a git-ignored file named application-local.yaml.

If you want to add new sensitive configuration in the yaml, please add more Github Secrets and use them in the CI/CD Github Action Workflows.

  • There has to be an automated integration test for a controller

Automation is the belief.

  • No SQL in .xml for all single-table CRUD operations

Please use mybatis-plus to do this without writing the SQL yourself.


  • Unit Test Service-level and Repository-level testing by JUnit5 and Spring Testing
  • Integration Test Controller-level(API-level) testing by Junit5 and Spring Testing
  • Integration Test Controller-level(API-level) testing manually by .http files in the src/test/resources/http (running by IDEA)
  • Integration Test Controller-level(API-level) testing by Postman


Please pay attention when writing tests: During the testing phase, due to the use of org.testcontainers:mysql, each test class connects to a MySQL in the container during the startup phase. The MySQL is destroyed after the JVM exit. In other words, the database is shared between test classes. When you want to test DB result in the test class, you need to add these code as a field of the class.

public static MySQLContainer<CustomMySQLContainer> customMySQLContainer=CustomMySQLContainer.getInstance();

If you don't have Docker locally, you can comment out the field above temporarily, and add a test-scope profile named application-local.yaml to src/test/resources, and add an annotation @ActiveProfiles(local) to the test class. Then the specific test class can connect your local database instead of use the one in the container. Please restore them after your local test passing.


Database DDL VCS

Please strictly enforce!

Please install the database version control system Flyway first. We use it locally as a command-line tool, as a component in the running and testing stage. Then make sure that You have installed MySQL 8.0.

When you first get this project and try to recover the pourrfot database locally. Please follow these steps.

  1. Copy the file src/main/resources/db/flyway.conf.example to flyway.conf and replace the database connection config with your own. Don't forget to create a database named pourrfot.
  2. run flyway migrate.
  3. Take a look to the database. The table structure should be fine.

When you try to modify the table structure (including but not limited to adding or modifying fields, adding or modifying indexes), please put the changes (DDL contents) in the form of V<version>__<name>.sql file in src/main/resources/db/migration. For example,there is a V1__init_database.sql as initialization.

Flyway will record every SQL commit, so you absolutely can't update the SQL committed before whether it's local or online environment. If you want to modify the tables, the only way is to create a new SQL file to change its structure.

As a short, when you want to modify the database structure, please follow these steps.

  1. Add an SQL file with DDL only. The file name follow the pattern V<version>__<name>.sql.
  2. Reformat the file in IDEA.
  3. run flyway migrate locally to execute the modification to verify the correctness of the SQL file.
  4. commit the SQL file.



The project will be automatically deployed (after running test and build automatically) to the Aliyun server (Lighthouse but not ECS) I purchased by this Github Action.

There is a Nginx (not in Docker) running on the server to back-proxy backend services. You can just access the service without port but begin with /api. #3


A complete microservice for a course work








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