Python script to download Steam art for games and programs via SteamGridDB. This is particularly useful for adding non-Steam games or programs to Steam as these will require art to be provided manually
SGDBoop already exists for this purpose and is the tool provided by SteamGridDB, but I decided to make this simply as an exercise.
Clone the repository and create a file called
at the root
In this file add a variable for your SteamGridDB API key like so:
api_key = # YOUR API KEY HERE #
The API key should be a string.
To get your API key, log in to SteamGridDB and go to the Preferences page of your profile and select the API tab
Then simply run the script in your terminal:
You can then search for a title by Game ID or game/app name
Images and icons will be downloaded to separate folders for each game. The folders will be created in the same directory as the Python script.
Note that if a folder already exists for a game and you attempt to download assets for that game, it will be overwritten.
All images downloaded by this program are owned by their respective creators