Summary notes about application and service development in Kubernetes: documentation, diagrams, guides, samples and bibliography
Warning: the docs materials are used references from 3rd party resources.
- Evolution of containers and orchestrators
- Distributed complexity and isolation restrictions in containers
- Kubernetes goals and usage advantages
- Common container patterns
- 12-Factor application principles
- Cloud Native application principles in Kubernetes
- Importance of development and QA/Production environment parity
start with Kubernetes dashboard as starting learning point- Kubernetes architecture high level overview
- Control plane definition
- Simplified Kubernetes Application structure map
- Kubectl, kube-proxy, kubeadm, kubelet, kubefed core utilities
- Etcd High Available configuration store
- API Server
- Scheduler
- Controller manager
- Cloud Controller manager
- cAdvisor, Heapster, metrics-server and state-metrics-server
- Flannel, CNI and other Cluster network managers
- Imperative vs. Declarative Kubernetes state management
- Reconciliation Control Loop as core Kubernetes concept
- Common workload resources
- Common storage resources
- RBAC and Access Control resources
- Stateless vs. Stateful Kubernetes services
- Kubernetes design patterns
- Custom Resource Definition as extensibility point in Kubernetes
- Operator SDK
- The hard choice: LoadBalancer Service or Ingress(or both)
- LoadBalancer Service type
- Nginx-Ingress, Ingress-Nginx
- Traefik
- Heptio Contour
- Kong
- HAProxy
- Heptio Gimbal
- MetalLB
- CSI providers. Distributed persistent storage options in Kubernetes:
- Rook
- Ceph
- Gluster
- Minio
- Kubernetes in Cloud
- Landscape Overview
- Cluster Federation and High Availability
- Kubernetes in development environment
- Overview
- Kubernetes as Docker Engine orchestrator
- Garden
- Minikube
- Kubeadm Vagrant cluster
- Kubeadm dind cluster
- kind
- Kubespray
- Kubernetes On-Premise solutions
- CoreOS Tectonic
- OpenShift
- Mirantis
- Mesosphere DC/OS Kubernetes
- Rancher
- kubevirt
- Kubernetes CDK
- Kubernetes management tools
- kubectl utility
- VS Code extension for Kubernetes
- kube-shell
- kube-prompt
- kubebox
- kubefuse
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Kubernetic
- kubesec
- skopeo
- Heptio Velero
- kubespy
- helm-monitor
- Connect Kubernetes cluster with your local machine
- kubectl
- Datawire Ambassador, Forge and Telepresence
- kubefwd
- Azure Dev Spaces
- kubectl
- Simplifying k8s resource management
- Helm
- Ksonnet
- Terraform
- Pulumi
- Kustomize
- Skaffold
- Kaniko, Makisu, buildah and buildkit
- Gitkube
- Kompose
- Draft
- Kubeapps
- Serverless technologies compatible with Kubernetes
- Kubeless
- OpenFaaS
- virtual-kubelet
- Improve application management and delivery speed with Service Mesh
- Service Mesh concepts
- Istio
- Istion namespace injection
- Network configuration
- Istio CRD overview
- Security
- Built-in netrics, distributed request tracing and mesh visualization
- Extend Kubernetes cluster functionality with operators
- Prometheus operator
- Vault operator
- Etcd operator
- cert operator
- DB operator
- shell operator
- flagger operator
- CI/CD pipeline setup in Cloud Native application development
- Release strategies
- IaaS abd GitOps princeples
- Cloud-provided CI/CD overview
- Azure DevOps
- AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline
- Google Cloud Build
- WeaveWorks Weave Flux GitOps Operator
- Jenkins X and Cloudbees
- GoCD
- Drone
- Argo
- Spinnaker
- GitLab CI/CD
- Improving cluster observability and resource provisioning by monitoring systems integration
- Cloud and paid solutions: Datadog, Sysdig, Splunk, Azure Monitor, AWS CloudWatch, GKE Stackdriver
- Application metrics and alerting with Prometheus and Grafana
- Prometheus pull and push metrics collection strategies
- Choice between classic Prometheus configuration and CRD resource controller
- Service Tracing with Jaeger
- Cluster logs collection
- Elastic Stack(Fluentd/Logstash, ElasticSearch, Kibana)
- Difference between logstash and fluentd
- Log collection scheme
- EFK stack deployment and integration
- Integration, Acceptance, Conformance and Security testing in Kubernetes
- Heptio
Diagnostic tool kube-monkey
Chaos testing tool- Brigade and Kashti
- kube-bench
- kube-hunter
- PowerfulSeal
- popeye
- chaosblade
- kube-score
- Heptio