Le dictionnaire des noms impropres
After 2 months of full-stack classes at The Hacking Project, we've been asked to build our website from scratch.
As some of us used to work in startups before, we came up with the idea of compiling anglicisms and their french equivalents.
This app is deliberatelly off the wall but well... We like it like that!
Discover it live : https://syndicatdelutteantifranglais.club/
Discover it on Heroku : https://syndicatdelutteantifranglais.herokuapp.com/
Connect, browse & contribute!
- Sign-up, sign-in, log-in, log-out, password resetting...
- User profile
- Avatar pic
- Google & Facebook sign-in
- Search bar
- Sorting by letters
- Sorting by users
- Random button
- "Florilège" or the top liked ones
- Share them with friends, on Twitter & Facebook
- Like, unlike
- Comment
- Contribute by posting your own Anglicisms
- Sendgrid
Email delivery service
Documentation available here.
- Facebook & Google connect
A easier way to connect to our app
- Devise
log-in, log-out, log-in, log-out & much more
Documentation available here
- Faker
make our seeds great again
Documentation available here
- Pagy
"The best pagination ruby gem"
Documentation available here
- Social share button
Enabling people to share our content on their favorite social networks
Documentation available here
We love LATO . Available here
We are a little polyamorous so we also fell in love with enigmatic FRAUNCES. Available here
Primary Underline Warning Danger Success Info Background Dark
Madame, monsieur, à votre service!
Mathias P. ||Violette M. || Laurent C. || Antoine O. || Lucas O.
- More about The Hacking Project
- Inspiration for our website Urban & Genius
- We also support.... Pipotron