NoSDSE [2] is a network-level design space exploration framework resource-constrained Networks-of-Systems (NoS). It relies on NoSSim [1], a fast and accurate NoS simulation framework, for design point evaluation. NoSDSE further includes NoSSim model generators and a multi-objective genetic algorithm to allow automated NoS design space exploration.
NoSDSE is demonstrated with three IoT/mobile application scenarios.
examples/vision_graph -- Vision graph discovery, where the relative position and
orientation among a network of smart cameras are estimated
examples/ecg_diagnosis -- ECG monitoring, where raw ECG signals are used to
detect heart arrhythmia
examples/deepthings -- DeepThings is a framework for locally distributed and adaptive CNN
inference in resource-constrained IoT edge clusters [3]
tools/ -- JSON lib and configuration file template
NoSSim/ -- NoSSim, a network/system co-simulation framework
examples/vision_graph/ -- The vision graph discovery example
ezSIFT/ - The SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) algorithm library
networking_api/ - Networking APIs and runtime libraries (based on lwip and HCSim)
src/ - Source code for application, system and network models - Model generators (From genome to NoSSim simulation instance) - Design space explorer based on NSGA-II
examples/ecg_diagnosis/ -- The ECG monitoring example
ecg/ - ECG diagnosis library
networking_api/ - Networking APIs and runtime libraries (based on lwip and HCSim)
src/ - Source code for application, system and network models - Model generators (From genome to NoSSim simulation instance) - Design space explorer based on NSGA-II
examples/deepthings/ -- The DeepThings example
application/ - DeepThings source code and Darknet library
networking_api/ - Distributed work stealing runtime (based on lwip and HCSim)
src/ - Source code for application, system and network models - Model generators (From genome to NoSSim simulation instance) - Design space explorer based on NSGA-II
Build requirements:
- SystemC version 2.3.1
- OMNEST version 5.0 (alternatively OMNeT++ version 5.0 with SystemC integration
- INET framework version 3.4.0
Preparation before build:
- For setting up HCSim (included as a submodule), please see here
- Apply the INET patch (inet_extra) and rebuild INET framework
Preparation before running the example:
- Set the OMNeT++ path:
pushd /home/slam/OMNET/omnetpp-5.0; . setenv; popd
- Set the INET path by changing the INET_DIR in Makefile for each application
In general, you should perform a function-level profiling and back-annotation for the lwIP, ECG and ezSIFT library with the provided LLVM pass and helper functions in InstrumentLLVM directory. For the case studies included in this repository, we include profile data for different platforms so that you can directly try them out of box.
For DeepThings, you need to download the weight file for YOLOv2 and put it in examples/deepthings/src/models.
To build an example, change into the corresponding example directory and run:
cd examples/vision_graph
make dependency
make makefiles
To perform exploration for an example:
cd examples/ecg_diagnosis
- [1] Z. Zhao, V. Tsoutsouras, D. Soudris and A. Gerstlauer, "Network/System Co-Simulation for Design Space Exploration of IoT Applications," SAMOS, July 2017.
- [2] Z. Zhao, K. Mirzazad, A. Gerstlauer, "Network-level Design Space Exploration for Resource-Constrained Networks-of-Systems," ACM Transactions on Embedded Computer Systems (TECS), under review.
- [3] Z. Zhao, K. Mirzazad, A. Gerstlauer, "DeepThings: Distributed Adaptive Deep Learning Inference on Resource-Constrained IoT Edge Clusters," CODES+ISSS, special issue of IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2018
Zhuoran Zhao <>
Kamyar Mirzazad <>